She Came Back

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Mei walks into the apartment nervous as hell. She was about to go back to Yuzu and make things right. She wasn't going to marry to some random guy. Mei grabs onto their room door handle and hesitated to turn it. 'She'll be happy..i hope.'. Mei turns the handle and walks in. Yuzu was sitting against their bed reading a random manga.

"You came back..?" Yuzu looks up at Mei with puffy eyes from crying. "Yes..." Mei looks down at Yuzu, guilty that she caused Yuzu to feel like this. "Are you back forever..?" Yuzu mumbles. "Forever." Mei grips on the bottom of her shirt. "Pinky promise?" Yuzu takes her hand out of her pocket and puts out her pinky. Mei smiles softly at the childish gesture and nods, wrapping her pinky around Yuzu's.

Yuzu takes her pinky away and opens her arms, obviously asking for a hug. Mei happily hugs Yuzu, feeling relieved that she wasn't the type to express her emotions with anger a lot. Still in the hug Mei starts speaking, "Yuzu. I'm sorry for what I had done. I shouldn't have listened to my grandfather, I should have listened to myself and stayed with you. But I didn't. I came back because I wanna fix things between us and be happy together again.".

"I'm happy you came back to me. But everything won't fix so easily. You'll have to make me trust you again. Ya know?" Yuzu smiles. "I know. And I'll do anything to have you trust me again." Mei hugs Yuzu tighter.

They sit comfortably in silence until Yuzu speaks.

"Mei lets go to bed, I'm tired and wanna take a nap." She yawns. Mei nods and gets up, watching Yuzu gets up and slip under the covers. "Are you gonna stand there or get into bed with me?" Yuzu giggles. "Shut it." Mei grumbles and lays down under the covers.

Yuzu crawls over to Mei and hugs her, placing her head on Mei's chest. "Goodnight" Yuzu mumbles before falling asleep. Mei smiles as she watched Yuzu fall asleep so fast. She hugs Yuzu back and plays with her hair. 'I love you.' Mei falls asleep.

They both sleep hugging each other, dreaming of having happy futures with each other.

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