Part 11: Parent's Gift

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     Jungkook and Jimin arrived back in Jimin's room around 8pm and started to put things away. Jimin put the blanket they used in the dirty clothes basket and ran the picnic basket band down to the kitchen. By time he arrived back in his room, Jungkook was sitting on his bed rooming the tags and packaging from the clothes they bought earlier and throwing them in the trash. Once he removed everything from the clothes, Jimin grabbed them and threw them in the dirty clothes basket. He then picked up the basket, ran to the laundry room and started a load in the washer. When he got back, he noticed that Jungkook, emptied his book bag on the bed and was staring at the contents that were from it.

"Whatcha got there?" Jimin asked as he walked over and sat on the bed, examining the contents with him now.

"A couple pairs of my clothes and a spell book along with a necklace that came from my parents." Jungkook said, looking up from the contents at Jimin.

"Oh, that's neat. I hope you don't mind me asking, but what happened to your parents?" Jimin asked, hoping that the subject wasn't sensitive.

"I don't mind and to answer your question, they died when I was younger. The pack we were a part of was attacked. They gave me these and told me to run, but I didn't listen at first and ended up watching them get killed. My old packs Luna found me in the middle of the woods crying and insisted that they take me in. She was the only person I liked there but she passed away when I was 13." Jungkook said sadly. Jimin felt bad about asking the question but was glad that Jungkook opened up to him.

"The necklace is beautiful! Why don't you put it on?" Jimin asked, changing the subject.

"I'll put it on tomorrow since it's late and I don't want it to get broken while I'm sleeping." Jungkook said smiling at Jimin.

"Okay. What about the book? Have you ever looked in it?" Jimin asked, curious about the book.

"I have but I don't understand a damn thing it says." Jungkook said with a straight face towards Jimin that made him laugh.

"Well then how is it supposed to be useful if you don't understand it?" Jimin asked while giggling.

"I don't know. Maybe one day the words will click in my mind and I'll be able to understand them." Jungkook said jokingly.

"Hey, don't doubt it. That might actually happen!" Jimin said with a smile.

"You're right. Who knows what the future has in store for us." Jungkook said.

"Well it's getting late and we should probably go to sleep, so which side of the bed are you sleeping on?" Jimin asked and made Jungkook blush. Jungkook totally forgot about sharing a bed with Jimin and he wasn't prepared for the question.

"Ooooo. Is my mate shy?" Jimin asked in a teasing tone while Jungkook huffed at the reaction and cheeks as red as a fire hydrant.

"No and for your information I will be sleeping on the right side." Jungkook said as he got up and set the book and necklace on the nightstand. He then jumped on the right side of the bed, shoving his face into the pillow. Jimin giggled at his reaction and crawled up onto the left side beside Jungkook and admired him. Jungkook was beautiful in Jimin's eyes and he constantly felt the need to tell him about it.

"You are so beautiful and kind Jungkook. I'm glad that I am able to be your mate." Jimin said to Jungkook with a loving smile. Jungkook turned his head to the side to look at Jimin with the same loving smile.

"Right back at you." Jungkook said before snuggling into Jimin's side. Jimin put his arm around Jungkook and pulled a blanket over them so they wouldn't get cold.

"Goodnight Jungkook." Jimin softly said.

"Goodnight Jimin." Jungkook softly replied back as the both drifted off to a peaceful sleep. 


'Yo, wake up! Breakfast is ready!" Taehyung yelled as he busted into Jimin and Jungkook's room, waking them up. Jimin huffed in annoyance and gave Taehyung a death glare that made him giggle.

"Can't you wake us up nominally?" Jimin asked as Jungkook snuggled into Jimin's chest.

"Nope! Plus Jin Hyung wants you both downstairs to talk about something and told me that I have to wake you up by any means possibly. I thought this was nicer than dumping a bucket of ice on you." Taehyung said cheerily while Jimin shivered at the thought.

"I'm glad you didn't dump ice on us because if you did, we would be having your funeral next week." Jimin said while looking at Taehyung as he giggled.

"Well I'm glad I didn't, so get dressed and well be waiting down in the dinning room for you guys." Taehyung said, leaving the room while Jimin just shook his head.

     Jimin knew that they needed to get up, but Jungkook had already fallen back to sleep so he sat there admiring the sleeping omega for a couple minutes before gently waking Jungkook back up, telling him that they needed to go downstairs and eat breakfast. Jungkook whined about wanting more sleep but Jimin explained that Jin wanted to talk to them and if they didn't get down there soon, Jin would actually come up and dump ice on them. That quickly got the omega up and getting ready to go downstairs. 


Authors Notes

Yes, It's short, but I'll probably update again tonight. The header picture is what the necklace and book look like if you where wondering what it was for. Don't forget to vote and comment! I really appreciate it.

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