Part 32: Royal Family

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"Since it's getting late, I think we should all go eat and resume this conversation tomorrow at 6pm since there's still more we need to talk about." Namjoon said and everyone nodded in agreement.

     They all got up and went to the dining room to get some food and eat. Jin had prepared the food before the meeting, because he knew that once the meeting was over they would want to eat immediately. They take their food and sit down at the table, talking with the others and getting to know them better.

"So Jin, I hear you have pups on the way. How far along are you?" Elaine asked, curious to hear about the heir to the Crystal Blood pack.

"I'm only 2 weeks along. Actually there's another one of the members that is also pregnant who's farther along." Jin said bringing up Jungkook. Jungkook lifted his head with a blush on his cheeks, shy that he was brought up, but knew that he would have to talk sooner or later.

"Really! Who is it?" Ashley said excitedly since she loves kids. Jin looked over at Jungkook, who then decided to speak up.

"That would be me. I'm about to hit my 3 week mark tomorrow." Jungkook said shyly with red starting to creep onto his cheeks.

     They both looked at Jungkook and noticed that Jungkook's stomach had gotten bigger since the meeting five days ago.

"Your stomach has gotten bigger since the last time we met, which is odd if you're only having one pup. If I had to guess, you're gonna have twins." Ashley said and Elaine nodded her head in agreement.

     Technically they were, but him and Jimin decided not to tell them yet, since Aurora was the one that told them and not the doctor.

"Who knows, maybe we will." Jungkook replies smiling at the two.

     The rest of the night went on with small talk like that and everyone became better friends. Soon it was time for bed and they all went to their rooms and went to sleep, knowing that the next day was going to be a long day.


     Morning arrived and everyone started to appear in the dining room. Jin was already in the kitchen making food for the others.

"Good morning." Kai said sleepily as he took a seat at the table.

"Good morning" Taehyung replied back.

"Do you all sleep well?" Jackson asked as he yawned making everyone else yawn after him.

"Seriously Jackson, why the hell did you have to create this chain reaction." BamBam said looking at Jackson unimpressed.

"Oops." Jackson said making everyone else in the room giggle.

"Well that's a good why to start the day." Baekhyun said and Kai nodded his head in agreement.

     Soon the food was ready and everyone started to eat. Everyone ate quickly, ready to start the day. Namjoon had let everyone go and do what they wanted for the day until they had to meet in the meeting room at 6pm.

     Elaine, Jungkook, Ashley, Jin and Aurora decide to go shopping for the day with each other while everyone else decided to go to the training grounds with Hoseok to get a feel on how the training is going.

     After the day goes by, everyone is back in the meeting room, ready to discuss their next course of action.

"I'm glad that the training is going well. Hoseok, you really know what you are doing." Suho said, complementing Hoseok work.

"Thank you. It was a pleasure to show you all what we have achieved in the last couple of days." Hoseok replied, catching them off guard.

"You mean to tell me that they all learned that in a couple of days?!" Baekhyun asked in amazement.

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