Part 17: Pre-Heat / Pre-Rut

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     When Namjoon and Hobi got home, they got thoroughly scolded by Jin about how they shouldn't be late and come back on time and guilt tripped them by saying that whenever they were late he worried that something bad had happened to them. The guilt trip had always worked and they both apologized for being late.

     A couple of days had passed since then and mating season had now begun. Jin's heat had immediately come dragging Namjoon's rut in along with him. This led them to locking themselves in their room only coming out for food, which led to everyone else locking themselves in their room since they had no idea if they would get their pre-heat/pre-rut or go straight into heat/rut.

     Jungkook was officially in pre-heat along with Jimin being in pre-rut. Jimin was nothing but horny while Jungkook wanted absolutely nothing to do with sex which led to some very awkward situations. One of the situations being Jimin popping a boner when he was cuddling with Jungkook watching SpongeBob. Jungkook immediately shooting across the bed, giving Jimin a nasty glare about the boner which led to Jimin nervously laughing about the situation. Needless to say, Jungkook refused to cuddle with him after that.

Now Jungkook was five days into his pre-heat while Jimin was five days into his pre-rut and they were currently laying down watching a movie. Jungkook could feel his heat coming in and could tell that it was only a day away as he was finally feeling the need to have sex, but he wanted to ask Jimin something before his heat started while he was still conscious.

"Hey Jimin, I want to ask you something." Jungkook said quickly, taking Jimin's attention from the movie.

"Sure what is it?" Jimin asked, looking at Jungkook lovingly.

"I was wondering if you want to fully mate, not just sex, the bite mark too." Jungkook said shyly with a blush on his face.

"I would love to but is that what you want? We haven't known each other very long and I don't want you to do something you will regret. " Jimin said wondering if Jungkook wanted to fully mate

"I do want to mate fully with you. I know it's really soon, but I know this is something I want and the feeling I'm getting says I won't regret it. So please mate me this week." Jungkook looked at Jimin with puppy dog eyes making him instantly melt. Jimin knew he couldn't deny Jungkook's request. Especially when he felt the pull himself so it resulted in him giving in.

"Okay we will. I Just want to make sure that you are fine with this." Jimin said as he looked at Jungkook with love and worry.

"I am, and I'm glad you asked and made sure I wanted to do this. It gives me comfort that you won't force me into anything I don't want." Jungkook said as he snuggled up to Jimin's chest, slowly falling asleep.

"I'm glad that I can provide you that comfort." Jimin whispered to Jungkook as he slowly fell asleep with Jungkook. 


Authors Notes

Short Chapter, but I promise the next one is longer! Next chapter will probably be tomorrow. Don't forget to vote and comment! 

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