Part 6: Mate

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After the surgeon got done explaining the situation, she led them to the recovery room where the omega was. When they got to the room, the surgeon explained that the omega would be asleep for the rest of the night because of the medicine.

Jimin immediately pulled a chair up to the bed and grabbed a hold of the omegas hand, in hopes to provide some comfort to the sleeping omega. The others stared in awe at the alpha's actions.Seeing the omega in such a bad state angered the people in the room and wondered how someone could do this to such an innocent person.

Even though they were angry, they were also thankful because the omega was now with the right people now and would be welcomed into the pack with open arms. Jin made sure that the omega was alive and then spoke to the others in the room.

"Now that we know that he is alive, I think it's time for us to go home and come back tomorrow." Everyone but Jimin nodded their head in agreement. Jimin just growled at the thought of leaving the injured omega alone in the hospital.

"I'm not leaving." Jimin growled, which shocked Hoseok and Yoongi, but Jin looked at him calmly and replied.

"I understand that you're worried Jimin but you need sleep." Jin tried to get Jimin to go back to the pack house but Jimin was dead set on staying there and Jin just huffed at him.

"Fine, but at least get some sleep. You don't want to look like a zombie when he wakes up." Jin said as he walked out of the room with the others. Jimin said he would and then looked back at his mate and admired his beauty.

"I'm sorry I wasn't able to protect you before, but I promise that I will from this point forward." Jimin said as he put his head on the side of the bed, staring at the omega before him while he was holding the omega's hand. Soon after he put his head down he fell asleep unintentionally.


Jungkook woke up to a bright white ceiling and the shocking scent of pumpkin spice. His entire body aches but his wolf begged him to find the source of the scent because it was there mate. He tilted his head a little to look around the room but didn't see anyone. He then went to plant his hand on the bed to help him sit up but quickly realised something had a hold on his hand. This made him look down and notice that there was someone asleep with their head on the bed along with their hand in his own.

The scent that he smelled was coming from him and he knew that the person holding his hand was his mate. He smiled to himself feeling somewhat better knowing that his mate stayed with him in his time of need. Jungkook imagined he would be more scared the moment he met his mate, but the current sight of him had released all the fears he had before. In that moment he felt cared for and loved.

Jungkook slowly removed his hand out of the alpha's and slowly sat up while admiring the sleeping alpha. Once he was up, he slowly tucked a piece of hair out of the alpha's face so he could see his face better. The alpha was handsome in his eyes and began to smile unconsciously while staring at him, too distracted to see that someone had walked into the room with a bag in his hand.

"Good Morning!" The unknown man said shocking Jungkook out of his daze, the feeling of fear started to creep into his body. He quickly remembered that he had entered into someone else's territory without permission and that he technically wasn't supposed to be here. The unknown man seemed to notice his internal turmoil and decided to address it.

"Hey, it's okay. My name is Jin and I'm the Luna of this pack. Two of our people that were on border patrol found you on our hunting grounds injured severely and brought you to the medical building to be saved. I'm here to make sure that you're okay and offer you a place in our pack!"

Jin noticed that this had calmed the omega and slightly nodded his head in appreciation. Jin smiled at this and started to approach the omega with a bag that was in his hand. Jungkook tilted his head in wonder and Jin noticed it.

"Oh! I also made some food and brought it here! I imagine that you're probably hungry after how long you've been out." Jin said as he started to place the food on the little table connected to the bed. Jungkook nodded his head and slightly nodded his head in appreciation.

As Jin was setting up the food on the table, the sleeping alpha woke up and slowly started to sit up in his chair. Jungkook stared in awe at how cute the alpha was when he first woke up in the morning. The alpha soon felt a pair of eyes on him and immediately looked at the omega. A smile plagued his face as he saw that the omega was awake.

"Good morning!" The alpha said to the omega brightly.

Jungkook felt the happiest he's felt in a long time. For some reason he felt comfortable in this pack and felt that this pack was filled with good hearted people. It made him want to talk, which was wired because he hasn't felt the need to talk to anyone but animals, but it seems he would now break that because he wanted to talk to the people in this pack.

"Good morning" He said sheepishly, catching the attention of Jin. Jin had gathered earlier that the other didn't want to talk and figured it might be because of the traumatizing events that he just went through, so hearing him talk had made him feel a spark of joy. Jimin had blushed by how soft the voice was and instantly fell in love with it. He then looked over and noticed Jin and decided to greet him as well.

"Good morning, Jin Hyung!" he said, catching Jin's attention.

"Good morning Jimin! Did you sleep comfortably because it sure didn't look like it." Jin said making Jungkook giggle and Jimin blush in embarrassment.

"I did thank you very much!" Jimin said with sass as soon as he got over the embarrassment. He then looked over at Jungkook and smiled.

"I'm Park Jimin and my wolf's name is Jay. I'm also your mate and I will protect you no matter what!" Jimin said in a cocky tone which put both Jungkook and Jin in awe. Jungkook felt the care behind his words and Jin was finally able to confirm his suspicions about them being mates.

"I'm Jungkook and my wolf's name is Kookie. Thank you for taking me in and helping me." Jungkook said softly, putting a smile on Jin and Jimin's face. Once Jin was done setting the food he gave it to Jungkook to eat while Jimin started to pout.

"What about me?!" Jimin said accusingly which put a smile on Jin's face.

"You can go to the pack house and eat. You need to leave anyway because I need to talk to Jungkook in private about some things that Namjoon knows. Plus you reek and need to take a shower really bad. Once you're done you can come running back." Jin said. Jimin's eyes widened by the last comment and quickly lifted his arm to smell his armpit. He quickly threw his arm down as he almost died from the smell of them. Jin was right and he did need a shower.

"Fine, I'll go take a quick shower and eat fast so I can be back here as quickly as possible. Bye Jin Hyung! By Jungkook!" he shouted as he quickly ran out the door and headed to the pack house, leaving Jin the time he needed to talk to Jungkook.

Authors Notes

This is my first time writing a story. I hope it's not all over the place, because I feel like it is, but I also feel like it isn't.

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