Part 5: Will He Live

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Inside The Medical Building

     One of the doctors saw Hoseok rush into the building and quickly ran to where he was laying the omega to assess the situation. The doctor had quickly noticed the blood leaking for his shoulder and chest. He quickly got a towel and put it on the wound adding pressure to hopefully stop the bleeding. The omega was just barely breathing and quickly called for another doctor to bring a ventilator.

     Another doctor that was watching the situation heard what he said and quickly got a ventilator and brought it over. The doctor that brought it over then proceeded to put the ventilator on the omega and turned it on. Although it helped the omega breath better, the omega was also losing blood at a rapid pace and if they didn't do a blood transfusion now, then the omegas life will surely be lost.

     The doctor that did the ventilator noticed this and rushed a blood sample to the lab to figure out his blood type. They found out that his blood type was A+ and the doctor that brought the blood down quickly grabbed a couple bags of A+ blood and rushed it to the omega, Once the doctor reached the omega he quickly started the transfer of blood which made the omega a little more stable but not much even though they were able to stop the bleeding from the wounds. This led them to believe that there was bleeding on the inside of his body. It led to the doctors screaming for a gurney that they quickly but gently put him on and rushed him to the surgery room.

     Hoseok watched in silence as the doctors rushed the omega to the surgery room in an attempt to save the omegas life. When he first heard about someone crossing the border, he thought it was an intruder trying to destroy their pack. He never expected to come across a badly injured omega on the verge of death. His mate Yoongi had also been shocked at the sight and had no idea what to do, The sight of the barely breathing omega had pained Hoseok to see and he himself didn't know if the omega would make it, but he still picked him up after looking to make sure the people attacking the forcefield was gone and rushed him to the medical building.

     In all honesty, he really thought that the omega was going to die on the way there, so when he saw that the omega was still breathing when they arrived, he gained hope. As long as the omega was still breathing, then there was still a chance for him to live. Now it was in the doctor's hands on whether the omega survived or not. 

     While the unnamed omega was in the surgery room, Hoseok was in the waiting room with Jin, sitting quietly in the corner as he was waiting for the surgery to be over and hoping for the best outcome. After a while Jin spoke up.

"Hobi, do you think he will live." Jin said calmly, masking his sadness.

"I don't know. Maybe. For the shape he's in, I'm surprised he lived long enough to get to the medial building. I suppose if he was able to live that long, then he should be able to get through the surgery. I have hope, but it's not that big." Hobi said with a frown on his face, hoping for the best outcome. Jin looked at him with a sad smile.

"I..... I think this omega is Jimin's mate." He said silently.

"Why would you think that?!" Hoseok said in shock.

"When you first walked into the building, Jimin tried to run over and help you, but ended up freezing up in fear. As you set the omega on the bed he started to silently cry. Yoongi took him outside to get some air and distract him from the situation, although I don't know how well the distracting worked." Jin replied and it now made sense to Hoseok.

     Shortly after their conversation, Yoongi came in with Jimin who had swollen eyes because of all the crying. He sat by Hoseok while Jimin sat by Jin. They silently waited for the surgery to be over. It was now 2 in the morning and the omega had been in the surgery room for 6 hours already. Namjoon and Taehyung had mindlinked them 3 hours ago and had asked them why they haven't come back yet and Jin had told them the situation since the other 3 were more focused on the surgery room. They had understood the situation and asked if they wanted them to come to them and wait with them, but Jin had told them that it was fine and that they could wait here on their own. Since the omega in surgery was an unknown person, the luna or alpha had to be there to address the situation. So Namjoon was okay with them staying as long as they updated him on the situation and Jin agreed.

     At 2:59 the surgery room light went off, signaling that the surgery was over. Jimin straightened up immediately as he waited for the surgeon to walk out of the surgery room and update them on the situation. The surgeon walked out of the room and immediately looked for Jin since he was the Luna. Once she spotted Jin she immediately walked up to him and updated him on the situation.

"I understand that you are here for the omega that was in surgery so I'll get straight to the point." Jimins ears perked up waiting for the surgeon to explain more.

"Although we ran into a lot of problems, the omega did survive and is now in recovery. He flatlined 3 different times but thankfully he's a fighter and we were able to bring him back. We were able to sew up the gashes on his shoulder and chest. He has 5 broken ribs and 3 that were out of place but we were able to put them back to where they belong. 3 of the broken ribs had punctured some major organs, but thankfully patching them up went smoothly and we were able to stop all the eternal bleeding. Lastly, he had an anal tare that we had to sew up that took a minute because of how big the tare was."

The amount of wounds that the omega had shocked them but the last wound seemed to catch Jimin's attention the most.

"What do you mean about the last injury?" Jimin said in fear, hoping that what he was wrong and that it wasn't true. The others were caught off guard by the question, but their eyes widened in horror when the surgeon answered the question.

"We believe that he was recently sexually assaulted before he came into our care. There was semen and blood coming from his anus. The blood indicated that there was a tare to begin with."

     Jimin was horrified and angry by the answer. Horrified because of what his mate had to go through and angry at the person who did this to his mate. Tears streamed down his face at the thought of what happened, but he was thankful that his mate had lived. Now it was up to him to get his mate past this traumatizing event.

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