Part 3: Run

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     Jungkook and the mouse quickly approached the hunting grounds and quickly ran in. Shortly after running in, the dear from earlier came in sight and ran up to Jungkook and the mouse. The deer noticed how Jungkook was limping badly and became worried.

"What happened? Are you okay Jungkook?" The deer said worriedly. The mouse got agitated because now was not the time for questions.

"It doesn't matter at the moment. What matters is that we get Jungkook to the border as quickly as possible." The mouse yelled at the deer and the deer quickly got the message. The deer quickly came beside Jungkook so he had something to lean on since he was in a lot of pain. Jungkook quickly leaned on the deer which relieved some of the pain.

"Thanks guys." Jungkook said sincerely to the mouse and deer.

"No problem, but let's hurry and get a move on before they notice that you are gone." Said the deer. Jungkook nodded and then started to sprint across the hunting ground.

     When they got halfway through the hunting grounds, they heard a howl from the pack grounds signaling Jungkook escape. They started to run faster but Jungkook failed to see the turtle trap in front of him which led him to trip and sprain his ankle. The deer and the mouse started to panic because they could hear the pack wolves trampling to find him and desperately thought for a solution. Soon an idea came to the deer and he hoped that it would work.

"Jungkook, is it possible you can shift into your wolf and run that way?" The deer asked? More fear started to creep up as the could hear the search team getting closer.

"I don't know! Kookie is not handling the pain well and is really depressed right now!" Jungkook cried to the deer and mouse. Panic started to fill the three as the sach team was not that far away now. Thankfully the mouse came up with another idea.

"Do you think that you will be able to run with Jungkook on your back?" The mouse frantically asked the dear. At the rate they are going, Jungkook would be caught again and end up dying a slow and painful death.

"I don't know but it seems like it's the only option we got right now and I'm willing to try!" The deer said as he quickly got beside Jungkook. Jungkook was unsure, but now was not the time to argue and quickly got on the deer's back. The deer and mouse then ran at full speed across the hunting grounds with the search team right on their tail. The deer was shocked at how light jungkook was. He should have weighed more and that scared the deer even more. 

     They quickly approached the border but before they could cross the border, the patrol team attacked the deer and Jungkook. They fell to the ground and the patrol team pounced, one attacking the neck of the deer and another attacking Jungkook's shoulder while digging his claw into Jungkook's chest. The deer went limp and slowly passed away. It was over. Jungkook was going to die. He would never get to experience freedom, care or love. He cried and accepted fate and closed his eyes, ready to die, but right after he closed his eyes he felt the wolf being ripped away from him.

     His eyes shot open and saw that a bear had attacked the wolf that was on top of him. Tears streamed down as the pain spread through his body. He could barely move, but something inside him was screaming to move, that this was not his time to die.

     The search team was starting to come to view, but Jungkook's only thought was that if he went across the border he would be safe, because they were not allowed on other's territories. As they approached, Jungkook's fight or flight finally kicked and he found the strength in him to run across the border. The second that Jungkook crossed the border, he collapsed because of blood loss and looked back towards where he came.

     He saw that they had actually tried to cross the border but was shut out because of the shield that he himself failed to realize was there to begin with. Although he was thankful that the shield had protected him, he could slowly feel himself losing consciousness because of blood loss. He could only hope that the pack on the territory was kind to others and would save him before he bled to death.

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