Part 36: One Month

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     One month has passed and Jimin has been feeling very sad and lonely. He missed his mate so much and the fact that his mate was pregnant when he left made it worse. Jimin constantly worried if Jungkook was eating correctly and if things were going well with his pregnancy.

     Although through his and Jungkook's and his mating bond, he could tell that Jungkook was perfectly fine. He just wished that Jungkook would mindlink him and give him an update.

     After the surprise attack they got, a funeral was held for all of their passing warriors. People were upset with the whole situation but calmed down a little bit when we told them that we had captured everyone that had gotten past Hoseok and tried to attack the village. Namjoon had let them know that they will be tortured until they give us all the information they have and are killed for killing our people.

     When word got around about Jungkook leaving, a lot of people felt sad. Everyone in the pack house was shocked and confused at Jungkook's sudden leave and Jimin fell into a depression.

Knock knock knock*

"Jimin, dinner is ready. Please come down and eat." Taehyung said through the door.

"I'm not hungry." Jimin replied back, but the second he said that, Taehyung busted through the door.

"You've been saying that for the last 3 days. You will come down and eat even if I have to shove the food down your throat." Taehyung stated, with his arms crossed.

"It's not the same Taehyung. He's not here anymore, what if he doesn't come back?" Jimin replied with tears streaming down his face. Taehyung softened and approached Jimin's bed and sat on it gently.

"I know it's hard to be hard without a mate, but I promise that Jungkook will come back. Jungkook said it himself and Aurora said that she is 100% sure that he will come back." Taehyung softly said, trying to calm Jimin.

"When though? It's so lonely, I don't want to do anything if he isn't here with me!" Jimin said, now bawling.

"I don't know when he'll come back, but Do you think he wants to see you in this state when he does get back? Starved and depressed." Taehyung asked and Jimin's eyes widened.

"No. He wouldn't want to see me like this." Jimin whispered out the realization.

"Then get up and come down and eat. Got it?" Taehyung replied looking at Jimin sitting up.

"Got it." Jimin said as he started to dry up his tears.

"Good, we'll be done there waiting for you." Taehyung said as he gave Jimin a hug. He then got up and left the room.

     Jimin had sat in his bed for a couple of minutes thinking about everything that had happened. He hasn't had a shower in two weeks and he knew that once he was done eating he would have to get one. Taehyung's words had gotten through to him and he was damn sure that he was going to be in his best shape when Jungkook came back.


"One more time." Lemuria said with a straight face as Jungkook huffed out in anger.

"Would you stop saying "one more time" when you don't mean it!" Jungkook said angrily.

"Well it would be only one more time, if you didn't mess up." Lemuria retorted back.

     Jungkook sighed out as he did the spell one more time, hoping that it came out perfectly. Thankfully it did come out perfectly and Lemuria smiled.

"I did it!" Jungkook screamed in excitement and looked at Lemuria who was smiling.

"You did, now onto the next spell." Lemuria said, smirking knowing that Jungkook thought that there was going to be a break after learning that spell.

"But can't we take a break?" Jungkook whined as he rubbed his round growing stomach.

"No, I know you're getting big, but we're only half way through the book and we should be farther than that by now. Chop, Chop." Lemuria said, clapping her hands together. Jungkook huffed but went on to the next spell.

     By time dinner rolled around the got through a page and a half of spells. Lemuria was happy with progress that Jungkook was making. Some days, he got through the spells quickly and understood them immediately. Other days he would struggle, and wouldn't understand a thing, only getting through a couple of spells.

" You're doing very well with the spells lately. I'm very proud of you." Lemuria said smiling at Jungkook as she put some food on her plate.

"I would be doing so well, if you weren't a good teacher." Jungkook replied as he ate some of his food.

" I am, but you got to learn how to keep those mood swings in check." Lemuria said as she shoved a piece of food in her mouth.

"Says the one whose mood is constantly changing." Jungkook retorted and giggled at her reaction.

"You're very annoying, you know that?" Lemuria asked looking back at him.

"I do, but you love me anyway." Jungkook said smiling at her. She just shook her head and continued eating with a smile on her face.

Authors Notes

This parts a little short. I wanted to give a general idea of what happened during the two months going on and I hope you all enjoyed it. Don't forget to vote and comment! I do appreciate it!

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