Part 43: Peace Restored

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"Let's name your first treasonous act against the royal family, Miss Areum." Jungkook said as he lifted her from the ground by her neck.

"Number one, conspiring with another pack to completely take out the royal family." Jungkook said, tightening his grip around her neck.

"Now onto number 2. Going through with said plan and attempting to annihilate the entire family, but ending up failing as I am the only one still alive." Jungkook states angrily as his grip got tighter and tighter.

"And lastly number 3. Murdering the king, the queen and my twin brother, right before my eyes." Jungkook said as he watched Areum start to slowly slip away.

"And do you know how crimes like that are punished?" Jungkook said giving Areum a little bit of air to breath so that she will hear what her punishment was.

"Death." Jungkook said snapping her neck, killing her right there in front of everyone and then dropping her lifeless body to the ground.

     Jungkook then walked over to Jimin and grabbed the hair of the old head alpha and dragged him into the middle of the camera so people got a perfect view.

"Now it's your turn." Jungkook said, throwing him to the ground while taking out a pocket knife and a pair of pliers that were in one of his pockets.

"First off your first three crimes consist of the same ones as Areum." Jungkook said as he placed his foot on the alpha's chest, then bending down to open the alpha's mouth. He then took the pair of pliers and ripped out his left canine, making him scream in pain.

"But that's not all you still have two more to add to it. The fourth one being how you mistreated and killed some of the members of your own pack!" Jungkook yelled out as he ripped out the right canine. Everyone just stood in shock and let the omega do what he wanted. He then stood up turning the alpha's body sideways before replacing where his foot was so they could see the alpha's entire body. He then bent back down and ripped off the alpha's pants and boxers, showing his tiny dick to everyone.

"Then the last one was how you raped and tortured me, putting me on the brink of death when I didn't know anything at the time!" Jungkook said angrily as he cut off the alpha's dick with the pocket knife and then slammed the knife into the ground, right through the alpha's ball's.

"So your punishment is not only death, but the removal of your canines and penis before I kill you." Jungkook said angrily as he took his foot and slammed it into his head, smashing the alpha's skull into his brain and breaking his neck at the same time.

     Jungkook backed away from the two dead bodies and looked at the camera and then everyone around him. He could feel how shocked everyone was and knew that he would have to give a clear answer of the whole situation.

"All this fighting and death over a damn crown. The murder of my mother, my father and my twin brother over a damn crown! Have all of you lost your damn minds?! The one family that made sure everyone was safe and everything remained peaceful died and for what?! All for a damn crown that only that family can control?! You all should be ashamed of yourselves!" Jungkook screamed at all of them, making them put their head down in shame.

"As of now, I am your new queen and you will respect me unless you want to meet the same fate as they did!" Jungkook said pointing at the dead bodies in front of them.

"This is your second chance. Don't fuck it up. As for everyone on this damn battlefield. Get to cleaning up and give everyone that died a respectful burial along with getting everyone injured to a medic to be immediately treated." Jungkook said before getting rid of the camera and walking away.

     Everyone had kept quiet and followed the omegas orders, not wanting to piss him off after everything they had just witnessed. A sense of calm and relief had filled everyone's bodies as they realized that there was still a member of the royal family left. Although they had to gain back his trust, they felt as if peace had finally been restored and everything was going back on track as it should be.

Authors Notes

One more chapter and then the books done! I'm gonna miss writing this so much! 😭 Don't forget time vote and comment if you enjoyed the chapter!

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