Part 40: I'm Back

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     Jungkook was packing you the last of his stuff when Lemuria came into the room to see how he was doing. It's been a couple days and Lemuria has been doing a healing spell everyday to help Jungkook heal faster. Before he left he needed to be completely healed because there was a possibility that Areum would attack at any time and Jungkook needed to be healed to stop her. That way Jungkook would be close to his full potential, because he's not injured.

"How is everything going? Do you have all the things you need?" Lemuria asked, walking up to Jungkook.

"Yes! Are my babies in their carriers?" Jungkook asked Lemuria after putting the last thing he needed into the baby bag.

"They sure are. It's time for your last healing session and then you'll be fully healed." Lemuria said excitedly.

"Does that mean me and Jimin can have sex then?" Jungkook asked, looking at Lemuria who's mouth dropped at the question.

"What? I've literally been here for two months, horny as can be but couldn't have sex because he's not here. So sorry if I'm a little sex deprived." Jungkook huffed, taking his seat on the bed so Lemuria could do her healing spell.

"I mean, you can have sex because you'll be fully healed, but just keep in mind that you will be more fatigued then usually after." Lemuria said as she started to do the healing spell.

"Fine by me." Jungkook said excitedly, making it hard for Lemuria to continue the spell because she wanted to burst out laughing.

     Once Lemuria was done Jungkook stood up feeling completely better with only a little bit of fatigue. He then grabbed his pack bag and walked towards the room where his two beautiful babies were. When he entered the room he saw them making cute noises at each other and he awed at how cut it was before approaching them. He then picked up both carriers and then turned to Lemuria who had a couple of tears leaving her eyes.

"I'm gonna miss you all. You and the kiddos better come back to visit me!" Lemuria pouted, knowing that it was time for Jungkook to leave now.

"I promise we will, and the next time we come back, I'll bring Jimin so you can meet him." Jungkook said smiling at Lemuria who gave him a hug that he tried to return back but could because his hands were occupied.

"Goodbye for now. Be safe." Lemuria said to Jungkook.

"You too!" Jungkook said before teleporting to His and Jimin's room. Thankfully he didn't have to be wearing the crown to use it's powers as. It just had to be anywhere on him.

     The room was empty at the moment as it was dinner time and everyone was eating. He sat the carriers down and quickly took out the crowns he had and hid them in the room because now was not the time to drop twenty different bombs on his friends. Him appearing out of nowhere was enough for them.

     He then went to the carriers and pulled each baby out and set them on the bed to be changed. Him and Jimin had already decided on their babies' names before he had to leave, so the little omegas name was Hangyeol, while the little Alphas name was Hangul. He quickly changed them after noticing that Hangul threw up on himself which Jungkook was guessing came from the teleportation. He then headed downstairs to the dining room with each one in his arms as quietly as he could be.

     The second he walked in Hoseok had noticed immediately and ended up dropping his fork with his mouth wide open. Everyone was confused about his reaction and looked in the direction he was looking at only to have the same response. Jimin immediately sprang from his seat and ran over to Jungkook and his kids and hugged them all.

" You're back!" Jimin said crying as he hugged them all. Hangyeol and Hangul started to play with his hair since it was right.

"I'm back. I'm sorry I had to leave in the first place, but I'm back now." Jungkook said taking in Jimin's scent that he missed so much. Jimin pulled away after a couple of minutes and looked at both their kids.

" Can I hold one of them?" Jimin asked, drying up his tears.

"Of course you can Jimin! They're your kids too!" Jungkook said, handing him Hangul. Jimin took him into his arms and looked at him lovingly.

"Is this one Hangul?" Jimin asked, having a feeling that it was since the one he was holding was an alpha.

"It is and the one I'm holding is Hangyeol." Jungkook said looking back at Jimin.

"This reunion is lovely and all, but you both standing there holding kids is making me feel tired. Could you sit down." Yoongi said, looking at both of them. The entire room bursted it laughter at the comment Yoongi made. Jimin and Jungkook then sit down right beside each other at the dining table.

"So where did you go Jungkook?" Hoseok asked the one question on everyone's minds.

"If I could tell you right now, I would, but I'm not allowed to tell you all where I went at the moment. You all will find out eventually though." Jungkook said and everyone nodded their heads knowing not to push the subject. Jungkook really wanted to tell them where he went but Lemuria said it would be best to tell them after Areum was felt with and he agreed.

"How was going through birth Jungkook? Are you sore from it?" Jin asked, looking at Jungkook.

"It was quite interesting and yes, I am still sore from it." Jungkook replied looking up at Jin.

"Are you hungry or did you already eat before coming back?" Taehyung asked.

"I'm not hungry but thank you though." Jungkook replied.

     The rest of the dinner was peaceful and everyone was happy that Jungkook was back. After dinner they went back to their rooms and went to sleep. The only ones who didn't go to sleep yet were Jimin and Jungkook.

Authors Notes

I'm still debating on if I want to do one finale smut in the next chapter or not. Anyway, I hope you all enjoy this chapter, there's only 4 more chapters if I remember correctly. This will be the only time I am updating today as well! Also Don't be a silent reader, please vote and comment! I can't blame you for not voting and comment because I literally do the same thing by accident! I do appreciate a lot though and it gives me a lot of courage to keep writing!

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