Part 29: Twins

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"Get up dinners ready!" Taehyung said busting through Jimin and Jungkook's bedroom door.

" We'll be down in a couple of minutes." Jimin said as he slowly sat up. He gently shook Jungkook who whined at the sudden movement, but finally sat up as well.

"Time to take the plug out?" Jimin asked but Jungkook furiously shook his head no.

"It has to come out at some point. For right now, you can keep it in, but after dinner it has to be taken out." Jimin said and Jungkook started to tear up at the thought. Jimin quickly noticed his tears and started to wipe them off of his face.

"Please don't cry! There'll be plenty of times where you get to do this okay?" Jimin stated, quickly trying to calm him down.

"Promise?" Jungkook asked, looking directly at Jimin.

"I promise." Jimin replied, making Jungkook jump into his arms.

"I'm ready to go down to eat." Jungkook stated just as his stomach started to grumble. Jimin giggled at the cute action and gently picked him up.

"Well I guess it's time to go down and eat then." Jimin said as he started to leave their room to go to the dining room.

     Jimin went down the stairs with Jungkook in his arms and went to the dining room. He found their seats quickly because they were the last ones there and took their seats. Their plates had already been placed in front of their seats so Jimin had piled food onto his and Jungkook's plate and got a small thank you from Jungkook.

     They started to eat, joining in on the small talk going on at the table. Aurora seemed to have been fitting in since she was in a deep conversation with Taehyung about which anime was the best and it was slowly turning into an argument.

     Jimin and Jungkook sat there and ate peacefully while listening to everyone talk. The peace didn't last long though because Aurora decided to put them on the spot with what had happened earlier.

"So, how did that punishment go Jungkook?" Aurora asked and everyone stopped eating to look at Jungkook. Blush creeped up his face as he felt embarrassed for being called out.

"From the look on his face and the sounds coming from their room earlier, I have to say that the punishment favored Jungkook and went pretty well." Taehyung said, putting them even more on the spot.

     Everyone started laughing and assured him that he wasn't the only one who had those types of punishments and that there was no need to be embarrassed by it. They then went back to eating and enjoyed the rest of their meal. Once they were done eating Namjoon made an announcement to everyone.

"So in five days the Storm Forest pack and the Crimson pack will be here for a meeting to come up with a new treaty between us. I have already let the entire pack know about the decision about leaving the old treaty and creating a new treaty with these two packs and they surprisingly took it well. With that being said I need you all to prepare the pack house for this meeting with them." Namjoon said and everyone nodded their heads in agreement.

"Also, as you can tell we brought someone back with us. Her name is Aurora and we have already made a deal that she would be watched for a couple weeks to make sure she's not a threat. Tae, I would like for you to watch her. You're good at judging people's character and notice when things are not right very easily. That is why I choose you to watch her." Namjoon stated, looking directly at Taehyung.

"You got, I'll make sure she isn't a threat to us, no matter the cost." Taehyung said smiling.

"I'll be leaving now. It's been a tiring day and we all have a lot to do in the next couple of days, so get a good night's sleep." Namjoon said as he left the room with Jin. The others then retreated to their rooms to go to bed.

     Once Jimin and Jungkook got back to the room, Jimin to Jungkook to the bathroom. Jimin ran warm water into the bath and started to undress himself. Jungkook quickly stripped and got into the bathtub with Jimin following behind. They relaxed for a bit while enjoying the warm water and having a nice conversation about earlier events.

"So since you happen to know what we're having, why don't you tell me now." Jimin asked smiling while holding Jungkook gently in his arms.

"She said we're having twins. Both are boys, but one is an omega while the other is an alpha." Jungkook said with happiness filling in him.

"Wow that's amazing! When should we tell the others?" Jimin asked and Jungkook looked up at him.

"We should wait a bit before we tell them. I have a feeling that Aurora only wanted to let me know what I was having." Jungkook said, making Jimin confused.

"Why do you think that?" Jimin asked, trying to clear his confusion.

"I think it's because she could tell that I'm naturally good at heart because I was able to go through her spell. She doesn't trust people easily at all. It may look like she does, but she doesn't and there are things I know about her that no one else knows. So it's not that she doesn't like them, it's because she doesn't know if she can trust them yet." Jungkook stated, clearing up Jimin's confusion.

"That makes sense." Jimin replied as they carried on with small conversations.

     Once the water got cold, Jimin finally decided it was time to take the butt plug out of Jungkook's hole and get him cleaned up. He gently got up from the bathtub and went to the shower with Jungkook following right behind him. Jimin turned on the warm water as Jungkook snuggled into his back. He then turned around and hugged Jungkook as he started to talk.

"It's time to take the plug out." Jimin looked down at Jungkook who had tears streaming down his face now.

"Do we really need to take it out?" Jungkook said looking up at Jimin while crying.

"Yes." Jimin said, gently hugging Jungkook tighter.

"Okay, but please make it quick." Jungkook said and Jimin quickly nodded his head.

     Jimin gently removed Jungkook from his embrace and turned him around to face the. He then bent down and spread Jungkook ass cheeks apart, gently grabbing the butt plug and removing it. Cum and slick flowed out of Jungkook's hole and he cried at the loss of fullness. Jimin gently scissored his hole open, making sure to get everything out.

     After the cum and slick was cleaned from Jungkook's hole, Jimin washed the cum and slick that had slid down Jungkook's thighs with some water making him completely clean. He then stood up with Jungkook quickly turning around and jumping into his arms. Jimin caught him and held him for a bit before turning off the water and getting ready for bed. After they were dressed they went back to bed, quickly falling asleep from the long tiring day.

Authors Notes

Yeah, this feels like a filler chapter, but I really don't want to leave any plot holes which I feel I have probably already done. I also plan on making the next chapter pretty long. Also stay safe everyone! Apparently a certain amount of men (Not all men) are declaring April 24 national rape day so please stay safe and don't be afraid to tase or fight someone especially if you live in a state like mine that has the Stand Your Ground bill into play.  Anyway, I hope you all enjoy this chapter. Don't forget to vote and comment! I do appreciate it!

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