Part 19: Plan

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     The mating season went by quickly and the food they hunted for was depleted. So Namjoon, Yoongi and Hoseok went out hunting after eating breakfast. The pack house was a mess because of the mating season, so Jimin, Taehyung, Jungkook and Jin cleaned up the mess. They started by cleaning up their own rooms before working on the rest of the house which led to a race on who could get to the laundry room first.

Jimin quickly ripped the sheets and blankets of his and Jungkook's bed and made a break for the laundry room. As Jimin was running down the stairs, Taehyung Jumped of the railing onto the bottom floor cutting in front of Jimin. Jimin sped up and shoved Taehyung into the wall and ran into the laundry room throwing the bed sheets and blankets into the washer and looked for the soap.

When Jimin found the soap he turned around to find Taehyung yanking the blankets out of the washer so he could shove his sheets in. He quickly shoved Taehyung out of the way and put the sheets back in with laundry detergent and started the washer.

"Beat ya." Jimin smirked at Taehyung who had a frown on his face.

"That's fowl play! You literally shoved me to get the washing machine." Taehyung criticized for unfairness.

"In war there is no such thing as fair. I beat you whether you like it or note." Jimin retorted back, making Taehyung huff.

"Well after that load I'm next" Taehyung pouted as he made a pile next to the washer signaling that his laundry was next. Jin entered the room and saw the smirk on Jimin's face while Taehyung was pouring.

"Did you two really argue over the washing machine again?" Jin looked at both of them knowingly.

"But Jin Hyung, Jimin literally shoved me into a wall to get here! He didn't even play fairly!" Taehyung protested.

"Yeah? Well I wasn't the one that literally jumped from the second floor to get here now did I?" Jimin retorted looking at Taehyung.

"Enough you two! What's done is done. Taehyung will go next and when Taehyung's stuff is done, I'll go next. By the time I put my clothes in the dryer, Yoongi and Hoseok will be back and they will be able to do their laundry. Capeesh?" Jin looked at them sternly and both of them nodded their heads.

"Good now go clean up the rest of your rooms then start working on the rest of the house." Jin scolds as Taehyung and Jimin quickly exit the room so they don't piss off Jin more than he already was.

Jin went back to his and Namjoon's room and quickly cleaned it up, then sprayed it with some fabreze to help get rid of the smell of sex. He then made his way to the kitchen to clean up the mess that was created over the course of the two weeks because the kitchen would need to be clean for him to deal with food that was brought back from hunting.

The day went by quickly and it was soon dinner time. The pack house was clean and the hunting for the week was done. Jin had already cut up and put the meat that he wasn't going to cook away and cooked the meal. Everyone was worn out from the busy day and ate in silence.

After everyone was done eating, Jin and Jungkook cleaned up everything while Namjoon, Jimin, Hoseok, Yoongi and Taehyung went and got all the supplies they needed to plan how they would figure out what the Silver Moon Pack was looking for. Once everything was laid out, they situated themselves at the table with Jin and Jungkook joining them.

"So as we all know the Silver Moon Pack is looking for something. What it happens to be, we don't know, but we have an idea of what it is there looking for and that is something that the royal family left behind. Now Jungkook, they suspected that you might have had it. Do you know why?" Namjoon asked, looking in his direction.

"I think it is because I was originally from another pack and they accept me into their pack at a very young age." Jungkook replied as the others began to think about all the details.

"Do you happen to remember what pack that you were from before them?" Hoseok wondered if his original pack had anything to do with why they suspected him.

"I don't. All I have is a book and necklace that my parents left me." Jungkook said alerting the others.

"Could the book or necklace be the thing they are looking for?" Yoongi suspected that it might be what they were looking for but wasn't completely sure.

"I don't think so. As you can the necklace on my neck, it doesn't do anything, so it doesn't make sense as to why they would want it. As for the spell book, I don't understand why they would want it when it's just a bunch of regular spells that you can't even understand." Jungkook pointed out why that's probably not what they are looking for.

"If that's true, then how do we find out what they are looking for and how do we prevent them from getting it because it's obvious that what they want is dangerous." Jin said looking around the room.

Everyone sat in thought for a couple minutes until a mouse crawled up Jimin's leg and ran across the table to Jungkook.

"What the fuck!" Jimin shouted as quickly stood up to find the source of the crawling on his body only to find a mouse in Jungkook's hand.

"What are you doing here Cuddles?" Jungkook asked the mouse in his hand, putting everyone in awe.

" I came to see if you were okay and if the people here were treating you well. I was quite surprised when I found out that you were staying in the pack house after everything you've been through. Also tell the fellow that I climbed up to get you that I'm sorry. I didn't mean to freak him out. I thought it was you. Anyway, why is everyone in the pack house gathered here?" Cuddles squeaked at Jungkook, the only person that could understand what he was saying.

"Well everyone is gathered here to come up with a plan to figure out what the Silver Moon Pack is trying to find. Also Jimin, Cuddles says that he's sorry for scaring you when he climbed up your leg." Jungkook directed at Jimin.

"It's all good." Jimin mumbled under his breath as he took a seat back down and looked away from them.

"You can talk to animals! That's so cool!" Taehyung said in amazement at Jungkook in the mouse making the rest of the room giggle.

"Anyway back to the original topic has anyone got an idea on how to figure out how to find what they are looking for?" Namjoon asked and Taehyung replied.

"The only way we would ever be able to find out what they are looking for is if we plant a spy." Taehyung looked at Namjoon and everyone hummed in agreement.

"But how are we even going to get a spy in there? They already know that we have Jungkook. We'll be caught in a heartbeat if we send one of our people." Yoongi pointed out while everyone nodded their head in agreement.

"We would have to go at them with something they wouldn't quite expect." Jin said, catching everyone's attention.

"But with what?" Hoseok asked and the mouse in Jungkook's hand eagerly squeaked at him and shocked him.

"What did he say Jungkook?" Taehyung asked, putting everyone on the edge of their seats.

"He said he could spy and figure out what they are looking for. That it would be the easiest way since it would be unexpected and he would be able to get in and out without being seen." Jungkook said, putting the entire group in shock.


Author's Notes

This took me longer to write then I originally planned. I hope you all are enjoying this story. Don't forget to vote and comment! It lets me know that you all enjoy it.

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