Part 33: Attack

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     Jimin and Jungkook woke up to Namjoon busting into their door at 4:30 in the mores. Confusion was all over their face until Namjoon explained why he was in their room.

"Get up. A bounce of people just came through Jin's Force Field. Get dressed and meet me in the meeting room in 5 minutes. We're under attack." Namjoon said before exiting the room. Jimin shot up from the bed and quickly tossed an outfit to Jungkook and then got dressed himself.

"Come, we need to hurry to the meeting room." Jimin said when they were fully dressed.

     Jimin interlaced him and Jungkook's hands and then quickly walked to the meeting room. Taehyung and Aurora had arrived at the same time as them and they all entered the room, where everyone already was. Namjoon immediately started talking once they stepped in the room.

"As you all know where under attack at the moment and as you can see Hoseok isn't here with us right now. Hoseok is leading our warriors to fight them at the moment to buy us a little bit of time so that I can assign roles. Once your role is assigned you can immediately leave, just listen to everything else through mindlink." Namjoon said as everyone nodded their heads in agreement.

"First off, I think it would be best if our guests leave now. I say this because we might have not been the only ones attacked. The attack on us is the furthest from your point on entry. Just keep your guard up after leaving. I'll send an update when this period of time is over." Namjoon stated and Suho and Jaebeom both nodded in agreement and then left the room to leave with their group.

"Yoongi, Taehyung and Aurora, I need you to get everyone to the bunkers in case they make it to the village. Got it?" Namjoon quickly asked and they both nodded their heads and made their exit.

"Jin and Jungkook, you both are pregnant so you will be at the bunker helping everyone get in and keeping them calm. Jin I'll also need you to make the hole visible." Namjoon stated with both nodding and leaving after giving their mates a kiss on the cheek and telling them to be safe.

"Jimin, you'll be coming with me to check the entire edge of the forcefield and to look for any other openings and to make sure there's not any other surprise attacks." Namjoon said, looking at him then standing up.

"Got it." Jimin replied standing up with him and then following him out of the room.


     Hoseok was at the point of entry with some of the warriors he had trained fighting off the intruders. The scene was bloody, warriors were injured and Hoseok had no idea if anyone had gotten past them. He just hoped that if any did, then the warriors protecting the village would stop them. Right now his main focus was to find the one leading the invasion and take him out if he couldn't capture him.

     As he looked around he spotted one of his warriors about to be stabbed right in the middle of his chest. He quickly activated his powers and made the plants around the enemy quick grow around his legs and arm to make him lose his mobility. The warrior took this as his chance to take the enemy out, so he quickly grabbed his weapon and stabbed the enemy in the heart. He ripped out the sword and blood splattered everywhere as the enemy warrior fell to the ground lifeless.

"Be careful not get yourself in that situation again." Hoseok stated and the warrior nodded his head.

     Hoseok went back to looking around and saw Simone standing on the other side of the boredom watching a certain group while smiling. Hoseok found the smile creepy and looked in the direction he was looking at and saw that more enemy warriors were coming across the border in a place we're none of their warriors were and had already got behind them heading straight for the village.

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