Chapter 16 - Him

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Overdose - Chapter 16


Telling my mom about everything felt like I was shedding off the burden of my secrets after they had matted and claimed my body as theirs. I tried my best not to leave out any details. As I was telling her, my dad came back and sat next to me. They both listened in silence, but I could see the shock and anger behind their eyes as I told them all the things Jackson did throughout our relationship. I also told them about Chester, Taylor, and even Nico.

I did leave out my near-death experience at Taylor's party, Chester threatening Nico with a gun, as well as the basics of Chester and I's "friendship". Something about telling my parents that I have been going to a grown man's house to cause him physical pain in exchange for drugs just didn't feel right.

After I was done, I closed my eyes and waited for the scolding of my life but in return, I felt my dad's arms wrap around me and my mom's hand taking mine. I could barely hold in the exhale of relief as my body shook violently. As I cried for the millionth time onto my dad's chest, it felt like I had finally set my soul free from Jackson's parents' lake house.

I mostly cried because I felt angry. Angry that I let myself believe not telling anyone was the right decision to make. Angry that I let it consume me and turn me into someone I barely recognized but then again, time has a funny way of changing things. Maybe if I told them then, they wouldn't have believed me. Jackson's parents are filthy rich, and it wouldn't have been an issue for them to hire the best lawyers to prove his "innocence", my mom is a lawyer but I'm sure I'd lose.

When I confronted him at lunch, he suddenly didn't remember that he picked me up from my house and drove me there. He didn't have any recollection of him handing me drinks after drinks until I could barely move. He surely didn't remember sitting right across from the couch where I lay calling for help until my voice gave out and my body succumbed to lord knows how much drugs he gave me.


I shove my hands in the pocket of my hoodie before getting up from the lunch table. Jackson always sits with his friends in the middle of the cafeteria, their table consists of four guys from the football team and five girls. Two are from the cheer team and the other three are from the dance squad.

I swallow the lump in my throat, feeling both nervous and exhausted. I can't remember the last time I slept. Maybe in the hospital. I sniffle and wipe my nose, fearing that there might be powder residue. I've spent the entire first half of the day in the bathroom because I can't bring myself to go to class. Jackson has ignored my phone calls and my text messages, and I don't understand what I did wrong. If anything, he owes me an explanation. Why didn't he help me? Did I upset him at the party?

I take slow steps toward the table; Trent is the first one to see me. He's the Wide Receiver and Jackson's best friend. We have English together but we're not friends. He lowers his eyes and leans over to Jackson, whispering something in his ear. Jackson looks up immediately, his brows furrowing, and he glares at me. His eyes, like warning signs, tell me not to come any closer to the table.

I remember what he said when we first started dating. He told me never to approach him in public. Up until now, I always kept my distance, but he's been ignoring me. Pretending that I don't exist. I found out this morning that he switched Chemistry classes. Why would he go through so much trouble to stay away from me when he told me he wanted to be together before the party?

I reach the table, and everyone turns to me, eyeing me up and down with curiosity and what I'm guessing is disgust. I don't blame them, I haven't brushed my hair in days, and I haven't slept or eaten anything, surviving off cocaine, oxy, and Red Bull. I probably look sickly.

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