Chapter 38 - Chester

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Overdose - Chapter 38


The sound of rain has always been strangely soothing. As it tips and taps on the windows, it makes for a more relaxing lounge on the living room couch. The low rumbling of thunder in the distance also adds to the ambiance. It's fall now; my second favorite season. Winter being the first. My dad has switched out the wall plug-ins to fall scents, the throw pillows are now a burnt orange color, and the subtle fall knick-knacks have the house feeling so warm and welcoming.

If I had to work today, I'd probably be miserable. I like working in Taylor's shop but on rainy days it's super slow and since she's been busy in the office, I would be on the floor by myself. She called early this morning to tell me not to come in. She said she'd close the store so she could catch up on her reports. I did ask if I could help but she said no.

My dad left early for work today. He picked up a shift again and won't be home until the sun goes down...well if it stops raining. Nico is gone for the rest of the week because he's meeting with a publishing agent. His photobook is long overdue.

Since we decided to give us another try, things have slowly been seeming "normal" again. We spent a lot of time together just talking or silently enjoying each other's company. I've been occupying myself with work and therapy which has strangely been comforting. I'm afraid of saying that things are looking up because the last time I said that I was humbled brutally.

The sound of a knock on the door pulls me out of my deep thoughts and I reluctantly peel myself off the couch. Checking the peephole, anxiety suddenly washes over me. With shaky hands, I unlock the door and open it slightly. He starts at my feet and slowly, his eyes travel up to meet mine. "Hi, Alex. Good to see you're okay," He leans on the door frame with his arm pressed to the trim. Since the last time I saw him, he's grown a full beard and his hair has gotten longer.

"I'm sorry, Chester-"

"Nope. No need to do that. I'm the one who should be sorry," He holds up a finger, shushing me. I remain quiet, realizing that he smells like a distillery and his car is half on the grass and half on the pavement. He's also wearing a suit. That wouldn't be strange if Chester didn't live in sweatpants.

"It is so rude to not invite your guest in, Alex." He looks at me through the wavy strands of his hair that are not tied up in a bun. I didn't invite you over. "Sorry, come in," I clear my throat and open the door wider. He steps through the doorway and looks around. "Smells like a gingerbread house," He mumbles before walking to the couch and making himself comfortable.

"What are you doing here-"

"I fully expected to see you drooling and in a wheelchair. Good job surviving that, by the way," He places his shiny leather shoes on the coffee table and rests his head on the cushions. I've always been somewhat comfortable around Chester but sometimes, he terrifies me. Not by his actions towards me but by how he says certain things and the way he treats other people.


"How's your dad, Chester?" I ask, feeling guilty that I haven't been there for him.

"He's dead, Alex. He's been dead for a month now, but you wouldn't know that because you only come around when you need something-"

"That's not true," I object, feeling a tightness in my chest. I take a seat next to him and frown, "I'm sorry about your dad and I'm sorry I've been a terrible friend." He turns to me and searches my face for something.

"Is everything okay, Chester?" I ask, staring into his eyes as if they could tell me the truth. "I kind of hate my dad for dying. Not only did he leave this world to be never seen again, but he also left me in charge of everything. All the businesses. All the ventures he never got to see through are now at the palm of my hands..."

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