Chapter 34 - Alex

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Overdose - Chapter 34


This chapter contains graphic language and topics that may be triggering to some.

Please, read at your own discretion.


The worst part about knowing that someone you care about is in danger is the creeping emptiness that comes along with the worry. Over the last hour, I've made thirty-four calls to Alex, and all have gone unanswered. I called his dad, and he said he too hasn't heard from him since he left for work. I had to tell him that I was calling to check on Alex. He told me that Alex relapsed a week after everything fell apart. He told me that Alex has been spending most of his time wandering around town and coming home late. I can't help but feel like it's all my fault. I could have just told him the truth.

If I had shown him my thorns, then maybe he would have been prepared to handle Daniel's sudden revelation.

"How far until we get there? " I ask looking over at Chester who's looked panicked since he picked me up from the train station. The attendant there said she saw someone fitting Alex's description an hour before we got there. He bought a ticket to Delmont city and got on the last train headed there. Of course Chester had to threaten the poor girl into giving us that information but we had to find out somehow. He also called someone earlier and gave them Jackson's full name. All he said was, "Find him," before hanging up. Five minutes later, I saw his phone light up and he told me to type an address into the car's GPS.

Curiosity made me want to ask him about who he'd called but seeing and feeling his anger, I decided to keep my questions to myself. It also dawned on me that earlier he said he had someone check Alex's house. I look over at him, realizing how little I know about him. How little I trust him.

"Thirty him again," He commands, his eyes locked to the road. I do as he says, not because I'm hopeful that Alex will answer but because Chester looks close to losing it. I guess it's understandable. If something happens to Alex or if Alex does something to Jackson, it'll be his fault. I've kept my mouth shut about how incredibly irresponsible he was because it won't help the situation, I'm sure he knows how royally he fucked up.

"Nothing," I mumble when the automated message tells me that the voicemail box is full.


"Chester, maybe you should slow down. We can't help Alex if we're dead," I suggest quietly. The speedometer says we're going 115 miles per hour. The speed limit sign I saw a couple of minutes ago said 85. "All I had to do was accept that he was just projecting. He wasn't upset with me he was...he was in pain and I... fuck!"

I remain silent. Please don't do anything you'll regret, Alex.

"If he kills that fucking waste of space tonight it'll be my fault...he's gonna go to jail because of me," Chester says out loud but not directed at me. For the last two hours, I've been silently hoping that if he gets to Jackson, he won't be able to go through with whatever he's planning. Then again, regardless, if he ends up going through with anything, Jackson's family is not going to let it slide.

No doubt, they'll drag him into the ground in court. They are fully capable given how it went last time.

"Call him again."


"I'm not asking you," He fumes. I do as he says, this time hoping for a miracle, but it goes straight to voicemail. Either the phone died, or Alex turned it off. Please don't do anything you'll regret, Alex.


This town was once the place I called home. I grew up here and I loved every moment of my childhood. I had a mom and dad, who for a good portion of my life, loved each other fearlessly. Much has changed but some things still look the same. The library still stands and so does the church that I was christened in.

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