Chapter 26 - Truth

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Overdose - Chapter 26


"Soo? What did he say?" Taylor asks, throwing herself on my bed. I shoot her a warning glare and she slides off before walking over to the couch. "So protective over your bed yet you were quick to offer it to Alex. I'm starting to feel abandoned, Nicky," she says with a fake pout.

"Alex doesn't throw himself on my bed with shoes on," I mumble, bringing the steaming cup of coffee to my lips. A week ago, I had dinner with Alex and his dad. It went well which I thought was a good thing. Alex and I had a moment in his backyard. Though it was brief, it was still something that didn't happen before. It confirmed a few things for me. I thought maybe he realized it too. He seemed distant for the rest of dinner and I figured he was thinking about what happened in his backyard.

So, my surprise came when I asked Alex to go on a date with me, and his answer was, "No. He said no," I answer blankly. Part of me expected it but I was slightly hopeful. I wanted to ask him a few weeks back, but my nerves kept getting the best of me. I guess my original fear of him saying no was justified. "Aw Nicky, I'm sorry..." Taylor frowns sadly. Yeah, me too. "It's okay, I'm not upset. Alex has been through a lot and I'm pretty sure dating is not on his list of priorities," I say, getting up from the couch.

"Have you guys talked since then?" She asks, turning around to face the kitchen. I grab a bag of pretzels from the snack cabinet, "Nope. I figured he would need his space." I want to tell her that the reason we haven't spoken is that Alex is meeting with lawyers about what happened to him but that's not my story to tell. I just hope everything works out in his favor.

She offers me a sad smile, "You should come out with Tatum and me, we're going to dinner and then we'll probably go to the new rooftop lounge," she says casually. "Third-wheeling on a Friday night, thank you but no," I chuckle softly as I make my way back to the couch.

"Well, you wouldn't necessarily be "third-wheeling", Danielisalsocomingalong," She speeds through the last part, but I heard her clear as day. "I would rather watch the three-week-old chicken in the freezer defrost."

"Nicky, come on! You guys dated and broke up, there's no reason why you should be avoiding him like he's contagious," She exclaims dramatically. Daniel, his parents, and I decided that we wouldn't tell Taylor about what really happened the night of the car crash. Daniel wanted to protect himself from the judgment of his sister and maintain his image. Taylor believes we ended things to focus more on ourselves. That's not entirely wrong but sometimes I wish I could tell her who her brother is.

"Why are you so hell-bent on him and me being friends?" I ask calmly.

"Because we used to have so much fun together! Remember, we were a trio," She urges, reminiscing on the times that I was barely hanging on to control. I was losing myself but to her, I was fun. I don't blame her for seeing it that way, I hid it well. "Taylor, as much as I want to be the fun, reckless friend, what I have to lose is more important to me than anything. Daniel and I will never be friends again, not in this lifetime or the next. I'm sorry," I profess sternly.

Her smile fades and she nods slowly, "Okay. I should go now; Tatum is probably waiting on me." She gets up and walks towards the door. "Taylor, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings-"

"You didn't. I get it, Nico. If you change your mind about coming out with us, text me," She offers a smile before walking out and closing the door behind her. Way to go Nicholas. I sigh heavily before allowing my body to crumble slowly into the couch. It's strange how my apartment always feels smaller when I'm the only one in it. Loneliness can make the biggest rooms feel like being stuck in a matchbox.

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