Chapter 40 - Unfinished

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Overdose - Chater 40 


"Daniel, showing up to my apartment unannounced makes me want to get a restraining order..." I sigh tiredly as I pour myself my fifth cup of coffee for the day. He shrugs before closing the door, "I wanted to see you and I also wanted to show you this!" He lifts his hand, showing me a diamond-lined engagement band. I stare at it hoping to feel something other than annoyed.

"Congratulations. Was your fiancé allowed to remove his straitjacket before getting on one knee?"

"HAHA! Oh my God, you're hilarious, Nicholas." He crosses his arms over his chest and stares at me with furrowed brows. I bring the coffee to my lips before walking to my desk. I thought about going to my darkroom earlier, but I decided to stay up here, I regret that.

"I'm here because I want you to be our wedding photographer-"


"What? Nico, you can't just say no-"

"No. See? I can." I set the coffee down before turning to him.

"Laurence knows about you and our past and he's okay with you being the photographer. The wedding is set for January, and I know you're usually booked so...that's why I'm asking now. By the way, it's a destination wedding so we'll pay for your travel expenses. AND you can bring a plus one. You can bring that cute little twink you love so much...with all the know...Alex."

I feel my eye twitch with anger, but I compose myself. "Are you deaf? I said no. I'm not going to photograph your wedding."

He frowns, "Is it jealousy? You're upset because someone wants to make me there forever instead of you?" I snort loudly, "Nope, that's not it. I just don't want to. I actually don't like you if you don't recall."

"I know, you love me. Nicholas, a lot of important people are going to attend the wedding. You can network and tell people about your book. I'm literally begging right now!" Daniel should have been an actor. His narcissistic manipulative and dramatic ways would be perfect for the big screen.

"Are you?" I ask cocking my head to the side. He nods, "Do you want me to start crying? I swear I will-" A knock on the door interrupts his dramatic display. I walk towards the door to open it, but he beats me to it. "What!?" He snaps, opening the door forcefully.

Alex looks at him and then at me. Shit. "Alex! So good to see you, you actually came at the perfect time. Look!" Daniel lifts his hand, showing him the ring. Alex looks at the ring and then at me. Oh no. "Alex it's not-"

Before I can finish my sentence, Alex's fist comes crashing down hard on the left side of Daniel's face. Daniel stumbles back and they look at each other with enough anger to make the living room feel like a sauna. Before I can get between them, Daniel launches at Alex, and they both fall to the ground. "What the fuck is wrong with you?! You fucking lunatic!" Daniel screams as he throws a punch at Alex's face. Unfortunately, it connects, and blood begins to trickle out of Alex's nose.

"Stop it!" I push Daniel off him. I help him up, but he snatches his arm away from me and lunges toward Daniel. I wrap my arms around his waist. Strangely, seeing Alex hit Daniel gave me the much-needed serotonin for the day. "Let go of me." His voice is flat and angry, but I can't blame him. From his point of view, I proposed to Daniel.

"He's the one who needs a straitjacket, don't you think?" Daniel touches his eye before walking to the kitchen. I ignore him and turn Alex around, "I didn't give him that. He's getting married in January and he's here to ask me to be his photographer. Also, you were invited but...I don't think that still stands now," I explain, staring into his glossy green eyes.

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