Chapter 28 - Thorns

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Overdose - Chapter 28


"How's Alex?" Sabrina asks, taking a seat next to me on the couch. I smile and I drape my arm over her shoulder. "He seems happy. Of course, I barely see him these days because of Nico," I chuckle to myself. "Are they officially dating?" She asks, bringing the cup of tea to her lips. I have no clue what they are, but Alex spends most of his days with Nico. He only comes home to sleep and by the time I'm leaving for work, he's gone.

"I don't know. I don't think he knows either. If I'm being completely honest, I don't think they know." I shrug. "Do you trust Nico?" She asks, looking up at me with concern. I don't trust anyone when it comes to Alex, but I've met Nico, he seems genuinely nice and he's the person responsible for Alex's newfound optimism. Alex trusts him and I know that took a lot.

"Alex trusts him. He seems a lot happier these days, I don't want anything to ruin that."

She nods, "Is he ready for the trial? It's next month, isn't it?" I frown, the trial is set to begin next month and five guys from the fraternity are being charged including Jackson. His parents have been hard at work trying to get the evidence we have to be thrown out. They're saying that those messages could have been fabricated to make Jackson look like he planned it. Janet has invested her all into the case and I'm hopeful. She says that the video has been transcribed and read by all the necessary people to conclude that it could be enough to get the ones involved charged but it isn't enough for Jackson.

I can only hope that the outcome doesn't send Alex back to square one. He's doing so well, and I don't want to see him in so much pain as he was before.

"Yeah, he says he's ready, but I don't think he knows how hard it'll be. He's going to face the people who robbed him of so much...I can only hope that he'll handle it well," I sigh heavily. "You and Rebecca will be there for him, having you guys will give him strength," She smiles before placing her head on my chest. I lay a kiss on her head before turning my attention to the tv.

A few minutes go by before the front door bursts open. Sabrina and I both turn to see Alex standing in the doorway. "Hi, dad! Hey Sab!!" Alex rushes past us towards his room. We look at each other in confusion before turning to the hallway. "I'll be right back," I excused myself then I walked toward his room.

The door is open and he's rummaging through his closet. "Hey, bud, what's the hurry?" I ask leaning on the door frame. He turns to me for a second, then carries on with making a mess. "I could have sworn I had swim trunks, Dad," he says, throwing a shirt over his shoulder which lands at my feet. I chuckle and walk to his dresser. "Alex, swim trunks don't normally go on hangers. They're folded neatly in a this," I say, pulling the bottom drawer open, revealing his neatly folded shorts and swim trunks.

He turns to me with wide eyes and rosy cheeks. "I knew, dad," He chuckles nervously before walking over. It's hard to believe he's nineteen. I roll my eyes and stare at the mess on the floor. "Where are you going?" I ask curiously. "Pool," he says quickly before walking to the bathroom. "Alone?" I ask even though I already know the answer.

"No with Nico," He calls out. I nod, "The sun is setting soon, isn't it kind of late-"

"It's an indoor pool, dad. Anyway, I'll see you la-"

I put my arm against the doorway, blocking him from leaving. He looks up at me with confusion. "Nico can wait five more minutes while you're hanging your clothes back up," I say looking towards the shirts and jackets on the floor. He turns on his heel, "Right, I was going to do that..."

I shake my head, "Sure you were."

I leave his room and join Sabrina on the couch. "Everything okay?" She asks concernedly. I nod, "Yeah. He's going to the pool," I mumble before taking a sip of my tea. "Bye dad, love you! Bye Sab!" He rushes past us again. "Don't slam-" My words are cut short by the sound of the door slamming shut. Sabrina's face turns bright red as she tries to hold in her laughter. I'm certain he picked up the clothes and threw them on his bed.

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