Chapter 10 - Soul

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Overdose - Chapter 10


The day carried on like a whisper to the wind. My mind occupied by the sound of Nico's voice and all negative thoughts voided by the sound of his constant rambling. After showing me how to develop film, Nico and I stayed in his Darkroom, and I listened to him talk about his passion for photography. He has dreams of opening his own gallery one day.

He refrained from asking more questions about me which I found comforting. I prefer to listen rather than talk. Maybe because you never know what to say. If I could say something, I'm sure my anxiety would steal the words just as they reached my vocal cords.

Eventually, we left the darkroom and came back up. Nico asked if I was hungry to which I said 'No." He asked about three more times until it finally stuck that I didn't want to eat anything. By noon, the sky changed moods, and the once distant white clouds morphed into one thick sheet of dark gray with rumbling noises. I'm sure Nico noticed that I started chewing on the skin around my thumb and the occasional violent shakes. He hasn't pointed them out, which I'm grateful for.

"So, will you be going to Chester's?" Nico asks cautiously. I peel my attention away from the windows, "Yes, that's where I've been staying," I answer honestly. He presses his lips in a hard line before nodding slowly. It's evident that he doesn't approve but it's not up to him.

I've known Chester longer, and if he was going to hurt me, he would have done it by now. Despite that, you're still on edge when you're around him. I'm on edge when I'm around anyone that isn't my father.

"How do you know Taylor?" I ask suddenly. His eyes dart around the room before falling on one of the pictures on the wall. It's an old-looking building with graffiti on the door and broken windows. "Tatum and I went to the same middle school, Taylor came to one of my events and we've been friends ever since. Plus, I dated her brother...Daniel," As the name leaves his mouth, the memory of going down to the wine cellar with Daniel comes flooding back. Not my brightest idea. I should have stayed away from him, maybe the night would have gone differently.

"Dated?" I ask, swallowing the lump in my throat. He nods, "Yes. Dated, we broke up, " He answers dryly.

I nod, "What happened?" I ask with cautious curiosity. His face settles into a blank expression yet his eyes paint a perfect picture of his emotions. "He loved all the parts of me that benefited him...once I was no longer benefitting him, he searched for others who could," His voice comes out hard.

The first part of his statement sends a familiar pain to my chest. Jackson and Daniel; though from different department stores, it seems like they were both from the same factory. Displaying the same malfunctions.

"I'm sorry..."

"No need. Just promise if you run into him again you won't take anything from him, " He stares into my eyes sternly. I can't even promise myself that I won't. I nod and resume staring out of the window. Though I only met him last night, I could see why Nico feels that way about him. He's too charming and too convincing. I'm not sure why he would cheat on Nico, but people never really need to have a reason to be unfaithful.

Jackson was a lot of things, but he wasn't unfaithful. He could only ruin one person at a time. Maybe I should be thankful.

"There's a meeting tonight...we can go together if you'd like," he says in a cautious tone. I would rather watch a glacier melt. "Thank you but no, I'm sorry," I decline kindly. He nods in understanding.

I don't know how going to a meeting would help but I'd rather not subject myself to sob stories and "words of encouragement."

Nico gets up from the armchairs and walks toward the kitchen. He is an uncharted map of a seemingly beautiful place. Do I dare go off on an adventure?

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