Chapter 24 - Video

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Overdose - Chapter 24


I spent the entire night, tossing and turning, anticipating what Rebecca could have that is so groundbreaking for the case that she has to fly here urgently. Honestly, up until yesterday, I thought she was wasting her time and that she would never get anywhere.

I am nervous for Alex because he has done so well since he's been home and if this news does anything to bring him back to where he was before, this time I don't think he'll come back.

Maybe I should tell Rebecca to not say anything to him. Then again, this case is for him, for us to somewhat rectify what happened. If she can at least get the sons of a bitches to admit what they did to our son, I think it would be gold for Alex. He never got the proper closure he needed. He never got a reason for why the person he thought loved him would be so cruel to him.

"Morning," He strolls through the kitchen without his usual pajama and sweater attire. He looks freshly showered and his hair is combed. Damn it, Rebecca, if you ruin this, I'll never forgive you. "You look nice, what's the occasion?" I ask, setting down my phone. He walks over to the fridge and grabs a bottle of water, "Does it have to be an occasion every time I shower and get dressed for the day?" He asks, leaning on the island and bringing the water to his lips.

I smile to myself, "No it doesn't. You look nice. Are you seeing Nico later?" I ask, turning my attention back to my phone. After a moment of silence, "Why would you think I'd be seeing him?" He asks with a somewhat nervous tone.

I shrug, "Because you were with him all night yesterday and you washed his clothes, folded them even-"

"Okay? I was going to bring them back to him. Are you seeing Sabrina?" He questions in a sassy tone before leaving the kitchen. I chuckle and bring my coffee up to my lips. I'm glad he's showing interest in someone but I'm nervous for him. How well does he know this Nico guy? Maybe it's too early to ask to meet him.


The rest of the morning carries on at a snail-like pace. I checked on Alex and he was sitting down at his desk sketching something. It's good to see him doing the things he used to love doing before. Rebecca texted earlier saying she landed and that she would take a taxi here.

In the meantime, I prepared the spare bedroom for her as she asked if she could stay here as opposed to at a hotel. I don't mind it, I'm not sure how to explain to Sabrina that my ex-wife is staying over. I'm probably overcomplicating it, but it doesn't seem like something a woman would take kindly to.

The doorbell rings and I call Alex out of his room before opening the door. Rebecca greets me with a smile, and I offer her a hug before picking up her suitcase. "Hi, mom," Alex smiles and she runs to him as if she hadn't seen him in ten years. She's wearing a tan matching sweatsuit and white designer sneakers. I remember when we were married, she'd lounge around in my t-shirts and thrifted pajama pants. Now, I doubt she even looks at thrift stores.

"Oh, my love, I missed you! You look so handsome and your hair! You got a haircut, finally!" She trails off as her eyes roam his face and body. Alex is smiling but I can see his patience growing thin as she invades his personal space.

"Tell me everything, how was rehab?" She asks, walking him over to the couch. They both sit down, and Alex begins to tell her about his experience. I use this time to excuse myself and pour them both some lemonade that I made using Sabrina's recipe. It's not so much a recipe but she adds lavender to hers' and it's amazing.

I bring out three glasses and set them on the coffee table before taking a seat on the armchair. "So, mom...what's the amazing news that you couldn't tell us on the phone?" Alex interrupts her spiel about airport security. Boy, does he have a way with words?

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