Chapter 3 - Temptation

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Overdose - Chapter 3

Overdose - Chapter 3


"How'd it go?" My dad asks as I hop into the car. I slide the seatbelt across my chest and rest my head on the window, "I threw up in the bathroom..."

He starts the car, "Do you want to get food?" He asks looking over at me. I'm glad he doesn't ask more questions about it. Food isn't what I want right now. "Burger and shake from Gerald's?" I look over at him with a pleading smile. Food is not what I want but it's what I need. I'm never eating a pizza roll ever again.

He chuckles, "Sure."

As we drive away from the church, I can't help but think about Nico. He seems nice; slightly intrusive but I think he meant well. After asking me to come to the next meeting for the second time, I simply shrugged and left him standing in the hallway. Now when I close my eyes, hazel eyes stare back at me, daring me to forget them. Fuck. I went into the meeting with the intent of never going back but Nico made it sound somewhat bearable. Plus, I have nothing better to do.

Crap! I completely forgot that I have a "job" now. I'm pretty sure I won't last a week but anything to make my dad happy.

When I told him I didn't want to keep going to school, he didn't seem very happy, but he agreed. He said he would give me time to feel better before I would need to get a job. He and I never really talked about what happened towards the end of sophomore year. This was mostly because I couldn't bring myself to tell him what happened in detail. I guess now it really doesn't matter. I want to spare him from the pain of my mistakes.

When my mom heard the news that I decided to drop out, she called to let me know how disappointed she was but despite that, she said she respected my decision. She then went on to blame my dad for it which wasn't his fault. School just didn't feel right for me and if I stayed, maybe I'd be worse off.

My dad found parking close to the front of the restaurant. He turned off the car while I made my way inside. A lady with graying hair sat us down at one of the booths and introduced herself as, "Penny". From the booth, I can see cars drive by and people walking along the street. I always wondered what life would have been like if my first love loved me back. Maybe we'd be one of the couples holding hands after dinner at some decent place. Maybe we'd go for ice cream dates and laugh until our sides ached.

"I'll have the double cheeseburger with fries and a banana milkshake," My dad smiles at Penny and sets his menu down. "And for you, love?" She asks caringly. She has somewhat of a southern accent, but it's faint. I clear my throat, "I'll have the double burger with fries and an Oreo milkshake. No tomatoes on the burger," I smile up at her. She scribbles quickly on her notepad before taking our menus and walking away.

"Are you excited to go to work tomorrow?" He breaks the silence between us. While my dad thinks I look more like my mom. Most people say I look more like him. We both have thick brown hair that is a nightmare to upkeep and a single dimple on the right side of our face. My dad's skin tone is in the warm beige category while mine is more cool ivory. I used to be warmer but for the last year or so, I've mostly stayed inside.

"Excited to make minimum wage at a shop that smells like cheap incense? Why yes, I am, Dad," I answer with more attitude than intended. He frowns, "Well it's your first job, get the experience and then move on to something a little bit better," He smiles with optimism. I envy you so much. "Dad, jobs that actually mean something aren't going to hire me. You said it yourself, remember?"

"Do you ever think about going back to finish? You could do it online," He asks cautiously. I would rather run headfirst into traffic.

"I don't. I wish you'd stop asking me every two weeks." Just as I finish the sentence, Penny walks over and places our milkshakes in front of us. We thank her in unison. "Food will be right out," She smiles then walks away.

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