Chapter 49 - Safe

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Overdose - Chapter 49


My brother was born on July 28th at 3:07 AM. He weighed 5.6 pounds and was 22 inches in length. He came out screaming according to my mom. His name is Miles O'Conner. My mom decided to give him his dad's middle name. He's beautiful. I cried when she called, and he was sleeping soundly in her arms. I hope he never has to go through any of the things I did, and I hope he'll be happy all his life. It's a tall order but I hope he never knows what heartbreak feels like.

Though I wasn't there physically, the moment still felt special. I even got to talk to my mom's boyfriend for the first time. Both she and my dad seemed to have found their person. That makes me happy despite sometimes wishing they were still together.

It's the first week of August.

Nico's mom's funeral was on July 30th. It was a small ceremony but that's just what Nico wanted. Taylor and Tatum were there. Daniel also came but Laurence wasn't with him. I got to meet Nico's aunt and cousin for the first time; his mom was her younger sister. Their parents only had two girls. She seemed kind but she didn't look too saddened by the death. I figured it was because the family had already said goodbye to her once before. My dad and Sabrina were there too, and I think Nico appreciated their presence.

We were able to arrange everything the day after we found out. I called the funeral home, and the florist, and once he told me that her favorite color was purple, I was able to pick out a beautiful light purple dress for her. He teared up when we dropped it off at the funeral home two days before. He was mostly quiet that entire week and I didn't push him to say more than he needed to.

After everyone had left the cemetery, Nico and I stayed behind. They buried her next to Tyler. When we were setting everything up, we found out that his mom bought an extra plot so that no one could take the spot to the right of his stone. Nico thought it was selfish because she didn't get one for him.

"It was always him and her. She loved him with all her heart and once he died, she didn't have any more to give to the kid that was left." He said, staring out at the newly covered plot next to his brother's stone. He told me after Tyler died, his mom started showing him less attention. Things between her and his dad got worse so on the days they were all home; his mom would tell him to stay in his room. He'd listen to him abuse her and he couldn't do anything about it. My heart aches for him every day. He suffered so much when he was younger, he never deserved any of it.

I rested my head on his shoulder, "She loved you too, Nico. She didn't plan to have you join Tyler because she knew you would live on. She knew you would do great things, so she didn't plan on you leaving this world earlier than you're supposed to."

He didn't say anything, but he just rested his head on mine. We stood there for another ten minutes, silently staring at the stone. Before we left, he knelt in front of Tyler's stone and whispered, "I told you. Mom loves you to the moon and back. Tell her she's safe now."

We left the cemetery and went to my house. My dad made dinner and we ate while my dad shared stories from his years in the NICU. Sabrina was there to confirm the truth behind those stories and tell some of her own from the ICU. Nico smiled and laughed but there was still sadness behind his eyes. I could tell he wasn't okay, but he was trying to get back to "normal". That night, he cried himself to sleep while I held him close.

I love my mom, my dad, and now Miles but I didn't know I could love someone as deeply as I love Nico. I can't explain it but the mere thought of him makes my skin come alive with pleasant tingles. I hate to see him sad, and I want to protect him from the world because to me, he shouldn't know anything but happiness. So, I'm not sure who to thank for him but that night, I thanked his mom.

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