Chapter 8 - Narcan

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Overdose - Chapter 8


Chester and I had a bit of an argument when it came time to leave. He wanted me to stay and not go to the party, but I kept assuring him that I was okay. He eventually gave in and said that he would drive me. He seems to be forgetting what his role in my life is. He's acting like my protector and I'm not sure that I enjoy that.

Around nine, we made our way out of his house and towards Stonecrest. It's near downtown and it's another affluent neighborhood. I've seen a few of the houses over there and they are truly breathtaking. The people who live there are mostly artists or people who enjoy being around that sort of crowd. Stonecrest is the kind of neighborhood where you can find dilapidated homes right across the street from the new modern homes. It's gentrification at its finest.

"I don't think you should drink with cocaine and oxy in your system..." Chester says as we pull up to a white-painted house with tall windows. The grass looks freshly cut and the bushes have been trimmed to look more rounded. There are LED lights along the long driveway that leads to the grand front door. Music blares from inside the house and there are several cars parked along the driveway.

"The oxy wore off and I only did one line. Chill, I'll be fine," I assure him before getting out of the car. He gives me a look of disapproval, "Don't leave alright? I'll take you back to my place after," He looks deep into my eyes as if to tell me that he's serious. I nod, "Thanks," I mumble and close the door.

"Alex!" Chester calls out from the car. I groan internally before turning around to face him. "Don't take anything else, you can drink but that's it. Alright?" Just because my dad doesn't want me, doesn't mean you can take his place.


With that, Chester pulls away and I make my way towards the front doors. I've attended a fair number of parties which is weird given that I don't like crowds of people. Most of the time, I only go for drinks and of course anything else that I shouldn't be putting in my body.

"Alex! You made it!" Taylor runs towards me before engulfing me in a hug. I freeze from her sudden invasion of my personal space. People shouldn't touch others without asking. "I was worried you wouldn't come," She yells over the music. Her outfit leaves nothing to the imagination but she looks great.

"Well, you can stop worrying, I'm here," I offer her a smile. "Come, I'll introduce you to my partner," She grabs my hand, pulling me towards what I'm guessing is the backyard. "Tatum!" She calls out and a person with short blond hair turns to face her. They smile at the sight of Taylor before pulling her into a hug.

Taylor's partner is much taller than her. They have striking blue eyes and cheekbones higher than me most of the time. They're beautiful. "Alex, this is Tatum, they turned twenty-eight today. Tatum, this is Alex, my new hire, " Taylor introduces us.

I smile and hold my hand out for them to shake. "Happy Birthday. Your home is beautiful." They smile and shake my hand firmly, "Thank you! It's very nice to meet you. Drinks and food are in the kitchen, we hope you enjoy the party."

I nod. "Go ahead and mingle!" Taylor says before pulling Tatum away. I sigh heavily while looking around the balcony. The view from here is nice, I can see the tall buildings downtown in the distance. I wonder what Nico is doing. Probably going home from NA like a responsible adult. I am still finding it impossible to rid myself of the mental image of his eyes. I shake the thoughts away before heading to the kitchen. To my surprise, the kitchen wasn't hard to find. A few people nodded their heads at me while the others ignored my presence entirely.

I grab a beer from the fridge and then make my way back to the backyard. Parties used to be fun for me. Maybe it was the thrill of my dad finding out or maybe it was because I enjoyed sneaking away with Jackson while everyone else remained clueless. Anyway, those days ended abruptly. Since then, parties have turned into a place where I try my best to not remember but in the end, I always fail.

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