Chapter 1 - Remember

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Author's note

This book contains topics such as drug addictions, suicide, abuse, and rape. If you are easily triggered please don't proceed.

With that being said, I hope those of you who do read it, enjoy it as much as I enjoy writing it.

Thank you for all the support and I'm forever grateful for all of you. ❤️

Peace and love, you are enough.

Overdose - Chapter 1 


"Alex? Alex, wake up dude," Someone shakes me vigorously. As I come to, I feel a sharp pain shoot through my head. Most likely the aftermath of last night's festivities. "Five more minutes..." I mumble, snuggling back into a very hard and itchy surface. I don't remember much of what happened last night, which means the party was fun. Well, at least for me.

"My parents will be home any minute and I don't want them to see you passed out on our lawn. You need to go home man," The person speaking sounds a lot like my old friend Kyle. Maybe it is Kyle. "Are you Kyle?" I ask, still groggy and in pain.

"Yeah man, look I'm going back inside the house to finish cleaning. When I come back out you better be gone," he says pointedly. I hear his footsteps fade away and then the sound of a door slamming sends another sharp pain through my head. I don't even know where I am right now.

After a minute of trying to collect myself, I manage to get off the ground. My clothes are soaked from what I'm guessing are the sprinklers. I swear I had my phone on me last night but it's nowhere in sight. I reach into my pockets and pull out a five-dollar bill and a small baggie with a white pill inside. I smile to myself before quickly throwing the pill in my mouth. I don't know what it is, but I'll find out soon.

I look up at the cloudy sky and then at the house. The ground around me is littered with red solo cups, beer bottles, confetti and streamers. Looks like the party was fun. I don't remember how I got here. I need to get home; my dad is probably fuming. If I had my phone, I'd be able to tell the time, but I don't. It's most likely early in the morning judging from the misty air and chirping birds.

I sigh tiredly, pull my hood over my head, and begin walking in the direction where I saw a few cars drive down. Let's hope it leads to the main road. My body aches all over, probably a result of sleeping on the ground. Truth be told, I don't know how or why I came to the party. I remember Kyle telling me that he was having a birthday party a few weeks ago and I told him that I'd try to make it, but I didn't intend on actually trying. Parties are not my scene, and I don't believe they'll ever be. The last thing I remember is drinking and throwing a pill in my mouth as some random girl tried to talk to me. Maybe I should have asked Kyle what happened, but he seemed to be in a crabby mood.

Lately, I've been having a lot more of these kinds of mornings. I wake up dazed and confused somewhere, I then have to find my way home which always ends in me calling my dad from a payphone. I swore I would stop but as it is evident, that hasn't happened yet.

I'm not sure how long I've been walking but I come to a stop in front of an old liquor store. There are faded stickers on the door and the paint on the building is chipping in random places. The smell of garbage and urine is pungent in the air, I quickly make my way inside. My vision has been fading, in addition to my legs giving out on me every so often. Whatever that pill was, I think it's taking effect. I just wish I weren't stranded so I could enjoy it.

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