Chapter 35 - Skates

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Overdose - Chapter 35



"Daddy, look! Look at me!" Alex shrills with excitement as he finally gets the hang of skating without help. I smile and wave at him. He's the smallest kid in the rink but I'd bet anyone he has the biggest presence.

"Told you he's a fast learner," Becca joins me against the wall with a carton holding three hot chocolates. I take mine, welcoming the warmth on my fingers. Alex had begged for me to teach him how to ice skate for an entire year, but I was hesitant. Afraid he'd hurt himself so not teaching sounded like a good plan to keep him safe.

Last week, he made a presentation outlining all the reasons why learning how to skate would be a good idea.

I will look cool I'll be able to go with mom and dad to skate in the winter I will have fun Dad will have funMom will worry but she will also have funI'm the only one in my class who can't skate

His presentation was short, but he put so much effort into it that I gave in. We've been coming to the rink every afternoon since that night, and he's caught on quickly. He's proud of himself and that is the most satisfying thing to me.

"I know I know; you were right. He was too," I chuckle, bringing the cup to my lips. "I think we should get him roller skates for his birthday. He's got ice skating down and winter doesn't last forever so it might be good," Rebecca suggests as we both watch him make another lap around the rink.

In a week, he'll be nine, and for some reason, that worries me. Soon he'll be in the double digits and then he'll be a teenager. This is my first rodeo and I have no clue how Alex will be when he's a teenager. I hope he stays the same; a happy little boy with enough love to go around for everyone who has the privilege of knowing him.

"That actually sounds like a great idea. I can't believe he's turning nine. It feels like yesterday since we brought him home," I drape my arm over Becca's shoulder and pull her closer to me. She rests her head on my chest, "He'll always be our little boy. 'Til the end of time."

I smile and place a kiss on her head. "Daddy! Are you looking?! Mom! Mom, look!" Alex calls out to us as he attempts to make a circle on the ice. We both laugh and Becca blows him a kiss.

Alex laughs before joining the other kids. Our little boy, until the end of time.


The steady bip...bip...bip...of the heart monitor encapsulates the room deafeningly. Being a nurse, I'm used to it but for a week now, I've been listening to it, letting it slowly drive me insane. But I'd rather listen to that instead of the sound of a flatline. Just as it's driving me to madness, it's also giving me hope.

Across the room where I now spend my days, my son lays with a tube coming out of his mouth, bandages wrapped around his now buzzed head, surrounded by all the machines that are helping him get better. I can only hope now. I hope he's dreaming of better days...if he even can. The worst part of all this is not knowing whether Alex will wake up with full brain function. The doctors say that his brain activity doesn't look too bad, and I know from experience that not looking too bad sometimes means not looking too good either.

Next to me, fast asleep is the boy who has cried every day since Alex was moved to the ICU. Despite my efforts to convince him that he should go home and get some proper rest, Nico has chosen to stay until Alex wakes up. I don't blame him; I haven't left the hospital since the night I came. If Alex is to leave this world, I want to be right beside him.

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