chapter four: creep

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"You were absolutely beautiful in the photos I took but you'd be much prettier in my arms."

004: creep


"Why do you think Jimin wanted to talk to Seokjin-ssi, hyung?" Taehyung asked, turning to Hoseok with a pout. He sighed, pout disappearing as he took on a blank expression. "Does Jimin know him?"

Hoseok and Taehyung were sitting on the curb now, the two others were in Seokjin's car together speaking about some unknown thing. After Hoseok was treated, Seokjin gave him a hoodie to change into and waited outside of the car for him to change. Bending down in the backseat, he slipped his sweatshirt off and the hoodie on. When he came out, Jimin had said he wanted to speak to Seokjin privately. They now sat in the front seats of the car.

"I don't know, Taehyung. I'm sure it's nothing serious so try not to worry too much. I'm sorry."

"For what?"

Hoseok sighed, head turning to face up. Clouds were one of his favorite things on earth aside from flowers. They were so calming and whenever he saw them, he thought of cover. Cover from being exposed, which happened to be one of his fears.

"If I didn't get hurt then you wouldn't be bored right now," Hoseok said quietly, almost fearing Taehyung's response. He'd realize that he was to blame and start yelling, right? Hoseok had thought he had gotten over this fear. God, why was he so afraid of everything?

"Oh, hyung, no. Don't blame yourself. It's not even a big deal. I'm not bored when I'm with you, I'm just worried about what they're talking about. Jimin seemed serious."

Jimin POV

"You're that creep. Aren't you, Seokjin?"

Seokjin laughed, eyes darting over to the
front window. Through it, he could see both Hoseok and Taehyung speaking together sitting on the curb to the right of the car.

Jimin was growing more and more irritated by the second. He was sure Seokjin was Hoseok's stalker. His eyes were identical to the ones of the man who was watching them in Persona. If he was wrong, he'd have to learn to be more perceptive for Hoseok's sake. He had to protect him.

"So what if I am?" Seokjin replied carelessly, leaning back in the driver's seat. Jimin's eyes opened wide, he hadn't expected Seokjin to be so nonchalant about it.

"Why are you watching Hoseok? He's mine."

"So you claim him to be, but does he actually like you like that?"


Seokjin sat upright, leaning forward to wave at Hoseok whose attention just so happened to be on him at the same time.

"What? You can't tell me that's not true or you'd be together in a relationship. Hoseok is very precious to me, I'm not willing to let him go, Jimin," he said, smiling when Hoseok waved back. Eyes glancing to Jimin, he continued. "If you're so bothered by it, why don't we make an agreement?"

"What do you mean? Why would I want to make one with you?"

"Well, I could help you get him to be yours."

Seokjin was the definition of cunning, Jimin thought. He knew how to make things work, an intelligent yet terrifying skill. In another universe, Jimin could almost see himself fall for Seokjin's sly tricks.

"What's the catch?"

"Ah, you're so cautious, Jiminie. Well, we have to share Hoseokie of course. I want him just as much as you do."

"You're willing to share? Why don't you just take him for yourself."

"Wow, so many questions, Jiminie. I think it's be more beneficial if made alliance. You'll find your use later on."

Jimin didn't know what the best thing to do was anymore. Seokjin was definitely intelligent, Jimin didn't want to get on his bad side. He made it sound like Jimin was a mere pawn though. It was too risky to make a decision on a whim though.

"Give me your number. I want some time to make a decision. I'll get back to you in a week."

"I'm glad. Really, I think we can be good friends, Jimin-ah. I know I must seem like a villian to you but I geniunely love Hoseok. All I really want is for him to be happy and I'm not trying to play any games here. You seem like a good person, so I'm sure we'll get along well."



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