"It's not good to rush, patience has proven to be one of the most useful traits."022: all jokes aside, how much longer do i have to wait?
"Why did you want to meet here?"
"I want to--apologize for being so mean. You're probably in a bad place and I should've been kinder. You're just a little bit misguided, I'm willing to help you though."
Hoseok stared at the girl in front of him in disbelief. Was this the same girl he had always seen helping others? She was really talking to him about this? Hoseok worried that Namjoon loved her too much. She wasn't as kind as she had seemed.
She really was talking about Hoseok being misguided? Because he's gay?
"I'll pass, thank you thoug-"
"It's too sad to see someone like this. Don't you want my help?" Daehyun asked, inching closer to him. They were alone in an empty practice room. She had asked him to stay after class since it had finished half an hour early.
"N-no, I don't-"
Hoseok moved to leave when Daehyun jumped at her chance. She held onto his wrist and pushed him against the wall. His body trembled, he didn't need fear right now though. He needed to get out of here. He didn't want to hurt her..
Yes, Hoseok was a guy. He was taller and stronger than her but if he could help it, he didn't want to hurt her. He opened his mouth to kindly ask her to back away from him but froze when she forced herself onto him, kissing him harshly.
He hurried to get away from her but she wouldn't let up. Daehyun wouldn't let go of his arms, using them to pull him onto the ground. He tried to fight her off for a few seconds before she smashed his left arm with her aluminum water bottle. The pain was excruciating. Hoseok screamed in pain, writhing around, trying his best to get to his feet before she could do any more damage. He had just gotten to his feet when Daehyun swung the water bottle at one of his legs, causing him to trip and fall.
She laughed at him.
Just like Mother and Father would. She laughed while he silently cried, curled up with his arm to his chest, trying to protect himself.
"What? Are you hurt? Do you want me to kiss it better?"
"N-Namjoon wou--"
"What the fuck did you say? You know my cousin?"
Her heels clicked against the floor with each step she took. She stopped when she was directly above him, looking down at the pitiful creature.
"Don't ever say his name again. Don't tell him about this little encounter either," she spat, tossing her water bottle at him. He managed to use his right arm to block it, watching it fall to the floor and roll away. Daehyun scoffed, heels clicking against the floor as she left Hoseok in the practice room with a fractured arm and a terrible feeling in his stomach.
Hoseok stumbled to his feet. Nothing else seemed to be too badly hurt aside from his arm. He couldn't move it without a searing pain engulfing his arm. He cursed, picking up his backpack from the floor. Taking one last deep breath, he opened the door to leave.

too scared to be afraid
Фанфик"You don't understand it, my angel. We'll do anything for you whether you want us to or not." "I'm sorry. What?" xxxx where Hoseok's six friends become obsessed with him but he's way too occupied with trying to figure out how to live. yandere au y...