chapter six: great news

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"Nothing that ever happens is forgotten, even if you can't remember it."

006: great news


"You're moving to Seoul!"

Hoseok practically tackled Yoongi. It was a good thing they were sitting on a bench. Had they been standing, they would've fallen to the concrete.

He couldn't believe that Yoongi was moving to Seoul. Almost every week they'd video call but Yoongi rarely came to visit. Hoseok was always too busy as well. Soon, they could hangout every single day if they wanted to!

Yoongi held a special place in Hoseok's heart. He was the one who truly understood him, who really cared. Yes, his other friends cared about him but there was something about Yoongi that was so precious that Hoseok just wanted to give him the world. It was around Yoongi, too, where he felt the safest.

The one time he had visited Yoongi in Daegu, he had practically passed out when night came around. He felt so safe with Yoongi that his guard wasn't even up when he awoke, which was rare for him. If he ever had a sleepover with anyone, his instincts forced him into an alert state straight away, telling him to smile and please. With Yoongi, he was allowed to just act how he would alone in the morning.

His normal morning state was certainly something he kept away from people too..

When Hoseok woke up, he was really quiet. It was totally out of character for someone like him. He didn't like to speak in the mornings and had a tendency to quietly take care of his morning tasks while he slowly became more alert. He often liked to just sit quietly, wrapped in blankets, and watch the sunrise out of his window. It was the time he loved most where he could actually feel at peace. Hoseok really loved his mornings alone but he had to admit, he hated it at the same time. Being lonely had to be one of the worst feelings in the world.

"Yeah, I am. I'm only ten minutes away from your apartment too. I'm also transferring to your college, Hob-ah," Yoongi said proudly. Hoseok laughed, hugging his hyung tightly.

"I'm so happy, hyung! Thank you!"

Jimin POV

So this was what Seokjin had texted him about.

Jimin glanced at Seokjin, who was behind a tree watching the two interact. From this position, Jimin could really see how much of a stalker Seokjin was.

"So what if Yoongi is moving here? What does that have to do with anything?"

Seokjin groaned, "Jimin-ah, you're a little bit slow, aren't you? It's obvious Hoseok is really close with him. Hoseok might even have a crush on him. And it's definitely clear Yoongi likes Hoseok. And not to be offensive, but I can tell Yoongi's a threat. Unlike you, he's calm and composed. He seems to be good at seeing through people. We have to do something about him."

Jimin understood now, Seokjin felt Yoongi could be dangerous. It wasn't like Jimin liked him either though. Just seeing how close the two were made him want to bash Yoongi's head in. He couldn't help feeling possessive.

"Then let's get rid of him," Jimin said in an unusually deep voice.

"What the fuck? We're not killers, Jimin. Well, I don't want to drop that low yet." Says the fucking stalker. "How about we try to get him in on sharing first. Again, that way he can't steal Hoseok, he can only share."

"What's up with you and sharing? Why don't you just go and have Hoseok all for yourself? It's clear how fucking selfish you are."

Seokjin sighed and sat down at the stump of the tree.

"I'm not dumb. Everything is done for a reason, Jimin. Time will reveal everything."



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