16. I can give you a ride

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Jungkook arrived at the mansion earlier than expected; he searched for his friends and their mates but could not find them. He examined their inside parking and discovered that their cars were already parked.

"Where the fuck are they?"

The alpha then went up to his room and changed into comfortable clothes before lying down on his bed to rest. He was ready to fall asleep when he suddenly felt something, causing him to almost startle. It combines the sensations of shock, fear, and pain.

"Jk, what the hell was that?" Jungkook asked his wolf

"You felt that too? I don't know either."

Jungkook simply shrugged off the sudden feeling and walked to his playroom. He stayed there for quite some time until he heard a tremendous roar of cars outside. He looked through the window and saw his friends, their mates, and, of course, Taehyung.

"Woah! They own a truck? That's... hot!" Jungkook exclaimed as he realized that the five wolves from the Midnight Pack were driving those badass trucks. Actually, he was looking at Taehyung, who had just gotten out of the vehicle. The alpha quickly went downstairs to greet them.

"Hey where have you been?" Jungkook asked

"You're already here? We went to the off-road trail up the hill," Sehun remarked with a grin. Jungkook only nodded and turned his gaze to Taehyung.

"Hey, what happened to your arm?" Jungkook approached Taehyung and grabbed his arm, which had a severe scar.

"Oh, I didn't notice that there's a broken brunch of three when we're heading back to the car, so yeah. Anyway, it'll heal any time soon," Taehyung lazily remarked, as the four alphas from Blood Moon pack were surprised by Jungkook's move. He wasn't like that to anyone, unless his parents or friends were injured, but for someone he'd only known for about two days? Not a chance.

"Come on, let's go to the clinic and let them clean your wound; it's deep; how could you even drive back here?" He unconsciously grabbed Taehyung's hand and led him to the clinic inside their mansion, leaving his stunned alpha friends from blood moon pack behind.

"Woah! What the hell was that?" Sehun asked the three alphas via mindlink.

"Am I hallucinating?" Namjoon responded.

"Definitely not. What's going on? This is the first time I saw Jungkook caring for someone aside from us and, of course, his parents," said Hoseok.

"Someone doesn't want to be tied up to anyone but cares for a beta he just met days ago" Yoongi stated with a smirk.

Taehyung did not object; he simply let the alpha do whatever he pleased. Why? He wasn't sure. Taehyung is not the type of omega that readily submits; he is a one-of-a-kind wolf, especially given that he is the last omega. But with Jungkook, he simply felt obliged to follow him and allow the others to order him... To submit to him. 

The two arrived at the clinic, and the attending doctor promptly aided Taehyung; it was not an emergency, but because Jungkook had brought the patient, she took care of him right away.

After the doctor cleansed and dressed the wounds, the two bid their goodbyes to the doctor.

"Thank you, Dr. Irene. I'll see you around."

"Your welcome, Taehyung. Your wounds will be healed anytime soon considering you're a beta, and we all know that only omegas aren't capable of healing right away. Unfortunately, those low kind of wolves are gone."

Taehyung was upset with how the beta doctor portrayed and humiliated omegas. Instead of defining them as precious, she describes them as low kind of wolves. As if they were the most useless kind of wolf. He wanted to be a brat, or should we say V, to the doctor, but he opted not to because he was more worried about his recovery. Everyone who doesn't know his real rank expects him to heal right away, and if he doesn't, they will certainly question him.

Jungkook also said goodbye, and the doctor did the same as she traced her fingers down Jungkook's neck to his shoulder, making the alpha smirk.

It's funny how girls make the first move on Jungkook so they can have sex with him; some, like Irene, desire more than just sex.

Taehyung simply rolled his eyes and walked to the dining room, where everyone was waiting for them for dinner, leaving Jungkook trailing behind.

When they arrived at the dining room, the two sat separately. Jungkook sat next to his father and across from his mother on the opposite end of the long table, while Taehyung sat close to their Luna, Minyoung.

"How are you, dear?" Minyoung asked, immediately concerned about Taehyung.

"Mom, I'm fine. It's just a small scratch," Taehyung said, assuring Minyoung so the luna wouldn't worry about him.
The servants began to lay their meal on the table, and they quickly began to eat while making small chats.
"So you had a little fun earlier, huh?" Jong Suk asked.

"Yes, Alpha, they showed us the off-road trail in your pack and the breathtaking scenery on top of the hill; your land is truly wonderful," Taehyung stated, his eyes sparkling.

"But not as breathtaking as you," Jungkook unconsciously thought to himself while looking at Taehyung.

"What?? What the fuck?!" He then shrugged it off immediately.

"Yeah, bro, what the fuck?" JK mocked his human.

"Shut up, JK!"

Jungkook and JK's brief talk was cut off when Seo Joon spoke, causing the five wolves from Midnight Pack to yell in delight.

"What happened?" he questioned Sehun, who was seated next to him.

"Earth to Jungkook. What's keeping you spaced out anyway?"

"Just kind of sleepy. So what just happened? Why are they so happy?"

"They had their cars here. They will completely destroy their mansion to build a new one because it was severely damaged, so for the time being, their cars are parked here. Who would've thought that these soft wolves are collectors of luxurious cars?" Sehun replied, and Jungkook just nooded and listened to their conversation, trying not to be distrusted by Taehyung's beauty.

Jimin remarked, "We're going to use it tomorrow."
"Wanna ride with me?" Jimin asked, looking at his mate. Although Yoongi wants to say something filthy, he shrugs it off and simply nods because they are in front of his mate's parents.
Hoseok, Sehun, and Namjoon opted to ride in their mate's vehicle as well. They tried to tell them that they would be driving, but Jin, Jisoo, and Ryujin were not convinced. So, tomorrow, the alphas will be passengers again.
"What about you, guk?" Seo Joon questioned

"Oh, I can drive my own car," he responded.

"I can give you a ride" Taehyung said.

"No, it's fine," Jungkook answered, but everyone insisted. "Everyone" includes Jong Suk, Hye Kyo, Seo Joon, and Minyoung. Eventually, Jungkook agreed.

"Sounds like a plan," Sehun remarked, smirking at Jungkook.

After dinner, they headed up to their rooms; this time, Jin and Namjoon would share a room. The same goes for Sehun and Jisoo. Of course, Yoongi and Jimin are delighted to sleep with each other.
Jungkook teased them, saying, "Keep it low, guys."
And with that, the night deepens without any unnecessary noises. Thank you to Hye Kyo, who decided that every room should be soundproof.

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