45. Kim Taehyung

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After an hour, everyone had sat down at Jong Suk and Hye Kyo's private dining table. 
"Jin, you're indeed an alpha, you don't have mercy on me. I'm just a beta," Jisoo remarked, panting from sprinting around the house for her life. 
"Because you offended me. You could've said calm beauty and furious beauty," Jin responded as he ate the dumpling.

"How are you, son?" Minyoung asked, handing Taehyung a bowl of beef bone soup. 
"Here, you should be tired," she added with a smile at the omega, whose face turned flaming red. 
"I'm fine, mom. I'm feeling weird but good," Taehyung answered. Jungkook smirked at his mate, feeling proud of himself for satisfying him. 
"How did your meeting with the other pack go, Alpha?" Taehyung asked Jong Suk. 
"It's okay, Tae. It's just exhausting traveling from one pack to another, but at least they're all welcoming," Jong Suk remarked, trying not to reveal his concern about the situation. 

"You should've taken a rest instead of coming here, Alpha. I know you're tired," stated Taehyung. 
"It's okay, Tae. I appreciate your concern, but I believe you're the one who needs to rest," Jong Suk teases the omega. 
After an hour of eating, they decided to return to the pack's mansion. With the exception of Taehyung and Jungkook, everyone transformed into wolves. 
Taehyung is unable to shift into his wolf since his omega scent is 10x stronger when V is in control, and Jungkook does not want to endanger his mate, especially as the matter with rogues remains unresolved. 

Jungkook and Taehyung used the same car as Yoongi and Jimin on the first day they took Taehyung to the private house. 
"Love, you should take a rest when we return to the mansion, I'll just have a meeting with dad," Jungkook remarked as he began driving cars. 
"I will. But can I stay in your room?" 
"Of course, love. It's not my room; it's our room, and I thought you had already decided to stay in one room with me," Jungkook responded, sometimes looking at his mate.

They traveled for only ten minutes, and as soon as they arrived at the mansion, Jungkook brought the sleeping Taehyung to their now shared room. 
Jungkook softly laid Taehyung on his bed, hoping not to awaken the beautiful creature he had just destroyed. He covers the omega's body with a soft gray duvet to keep him warm. He then leaned in to give Taehyung a soft, lengthy kiss on the forehead before exiting the room.

Jungkook arrived at his father's office about 2:00 p.m. As he entered the room, his parents, Minyoung, Seo Joon, and Namjoon, were already seated on the couch, waiting for him. 

Jungkook sat next to his father before the meeting began. 

"About the rogues that we caught, they didn't spill anything yet?" Jong Suk asked, looking at Seo Joon, who is in charge of interrogating the five rogues that remain in the dungeon. 

"They haven't said anything apart from "you have what we want." Nothing more," Seo Joon responded. 

"How about your mission? Did any of the packs you visited also catch any rogues?" he said. 
Jong Suk stated, "No. It's just our pack." 
"Jungkook, after this meeting, go interrogate the five rogues we have. Namjoon, go with Jungkook," Jong Suk orders as the two simply nod their heads. 
After half an hour, they still had no idea why the rogues were so blatantly invading their land. It bothers them because it is the first time rogues have attempted to enter their pack, and there are more than 100 of them in total. 

It worries them not because they can't fight those 100 rogues; they certainly can. Their land is vast; it can accommodate three additional packs if necessary, and they have thousands of powerful warriors. Aside from that, Jeons are the only true blood alphas in the country. They even nickname them "Jeon Supremacy" because they are the strongest pack, yet... why? Why would anyone try to start a battle with them when almost every pack feared and highly respected them? 
Jungkook and Jong Suk have this question on their minds, and the two true blood alphas will not rest until they get the answers.

Jungkook and Namjoon headed to the dungeon at 3 p.m. to interview the rogues. Jungkook ensured that his mate was still sleeping because he needed to block his connection so that Taehyung would not sense his alpha's emotion, but he can still feel the omega's emotion since it is just him who blocked Taehyung because he does not want to worry him. Namjoon did the same to his mate, fortunately, Jin fell asleep when they arrived at the mansion, exhausted from his outrage earlier.

As soon as they get to the rogues' cell, the guards open the door for their future alpha. Jungkook did his best not to awaken the sleeping beast within him, as he noticed the five rogues smirking at him as soon as he entered their cell. 
"I'm going straight to the point; what do you want from us?" Jungkook asked, but the five laughed. Jungkook poked his inner cheek, attempting not to slaughter the five rogues at the exact moment.

After thirty minutes, the rogues didn't say anything; instead, they just looked at him, sneering and laughing. Jungkook struggled to remain calm; he'd had enough of the five rogues since he had been patient enough with them. 
"Namjoon, can you wait for me outside?" Jungkook asked, his eyes crimson red. The elder left the cell instantly because he knew that the younger would use his true blood alpha voice and strength.

When Jungkook's crimson red stared at the five rogues, they instantly backed away. Their entire body trembled in horror as their minds were clouded by the overwhelming and dominant scent that filled the cell. 
"This is the last time I'm going to repeat myself; what do you want from us?" Jungkook stated in his true-blood alpha voice. The five wolves whimpered as they attempted to close their ears using their hands, but they couldn't move an inch.

"You won't hear anything from us," one of the rogues declared as they continued to cry in pain. Jungkook had no idea what was happening to them. Yes, he used his alpha voice, but it should simply allow others to submit, his voice will not cause any physical harm. 
"Your voice doesn't have an effect on us, we're under control," the other one muttered, crying in distress and holding his head. 
"What do you mean?!" Jungkook asked as he approached the five rogues, who were whimpering, their eyes covered in red blood, while they shakingly massaged the temples of their heads.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM OUR PACK?!" Jungkook demanded as the five cried even more. 
"K-kim Kim Taehyung," the other rogue murmured as the five dropped their lifeless bodies to the floor. 
Jungkook's eyes widen when he senses Taehyung's terror, his mate is frightened just as the last rogue mentions who they want on their pack. Jungkook quickly exited the dungeon, followed by Namjoon. He hurried his way to return to their room with just Taehyung on his mind. 

"My love"

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