5. Race to Bloodmoon pack

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Taehyung's POV 💚

I got up early the following day. I turned on a song on my phone and got ready for thie trip. After taking a shower in the small bathroom, I dried my body and hair and changed nto the clothing I had prepared the previous evening. I brought only a small amount of clothing with me, if the things I packed won't be enough during our stay, I can always grab anything at the mall.

The five of us proceeded to the conference room after breakfast, where our parents were waiting for us to talk about a few things related to our stay at Blood Moon Pack.

"Alright kids, at exactly 8am we will depart from this house and drive to blood moon pack. It's already 7:30 in the morning so we still have thirty minutes to discuss things." Dad began

"So first things first, we will stay at the pack mansion with the head alpha, luna and their son. Each of you will have their own rooms. Also you guys will study there for the meantime, same goes with the other students in our pack." He went on.

"The rest we'll find out from the head alpha of blood moon. So that will be all. You can now grab your things and head out to your van."

Dad concluded our conversation, and as we were ready to leave the room, a warrior from the pack knocked on the door. Dad invited him inside right away.

"Alpha, all the warriors are now on stand by. Some warriors from blood moon are also on stand by monitoring the roads" The warrior said

"good at least we will have a safe travel to the blood moon pack. Anything else?"

"yes alpha, we found five more wolves who survived the attacked. They stayed in their house frightened to get out as they live quite far from the pack house. Unfortunately we don't have enough car for them."

Jimin refused to accept Alpha's suggestion that he and Mom stay in the pack and let the five survivors use their cars instead. We insisted to use our own vehicles and provide the five pack members access to the van we're meant to use.

"How about we drive our own cars? Anyway the roads are being monitored by the warriors." Ryujin suggested

Mom disagreed, but after much insistence from Jin, Jimin, Jisoo, and Ryujin, our parents did.

"So it's already settled. Everyone now prepare for our departure" dad remarked

We're trying not to grin with delight when Ryujin mind link the four of us and says, "Let's have some fun, shall we?"

Following our brief meeting, everyone collects their belongings and proceeds to the parking lot, where our cars are waiting for us.
"Kids, drive carefully!" said Mrs. Park.
"Tae, son, are you wearing your ring?"
"Yes mom."
"Good. never take your ring off, not until we know you're safe at blood moon pack"
"I will. Thanks mom.... for everything"
"You don't have to thank me son. Loveyou"
"Loveyou too, mom."

My mom was a trueblood omega same with my grandmother and greater grand parents. Mom gave me a ring that were passed generations to generations to hide our scent if needed. It's a powerful ring moon goddess personality gifted my great grandmother to protect her self from higher ranking wolf who would take advantage over us omega's. The little moon inside the purple diamond is very powerful when it comes to hiding your scent that not even your mate will smell your intoxicating scent, not even a true blood alpha.

My identity as an omega, specifically the last omega, is a secret that only my siblings, Alpha, Luna, and the Park siblings are aware of. Since I was born to this cruel world, Alpha and Luna have already come to know that I am an omega. Why? Because my mother and Mrs. Park are bestfriends. Considering they are like sisters, they responded quickly when they heard about the news that our pack was getting attack, but sadly, they arrived late. However, I don't hold them responsible; in fact, I'm grateful to them for saving my siblings and I. They care for us as if we were their own. 

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