69. Ritual

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The next day, Taehyung woke up to kisses all over his inner thighs. A smile formed on his lips as a moan escaped his lips.

"Ahh. J-jungkook"

But he was fully awakened when someone hit his face with a sharp slap.

"How dare you moan someone's name?" Minjae said, standing naked. His member stood hard.

"What the hell!!" Taehyung shouted as he turned his head to the wall, feeling disgusted by the sight of Minjae.

"I was about to pleasure you, but you fucking ruined my mood," Minjae said while putting on his boxer.

"You think you can please me? Only Jungkook, my mate, my alpha, can do that," Taehyung said, not even looking at the sorcerer.

In one swift move, Taehyung was slammed against the wall, making him whimper in pain. Minjae grabbed the omega's face as tight as he could that his bones even cracked.

"Do you think I fucking care about that? I just came here to tell you that the ritual will be held tonight. So you better fucking clean yourself; you wouldn't want to look ugly on your death bed, right?" Minjae said as he slapped Taehyung's bloody face once again.

"Bogum will be here to check your condition. I'll see you tonight, Omega." Minjae said with a smirk on his face before he disappeared in thin air.

Taehyung dropped his body on the floor. He and V felt weak and hopeless. Tears streamed down his bloodied face; he was breathing irregularly; his entire body shivered in cold and pain; and some of the blood on his injuries began to dry. His entire body was tired of everything.

"Tae, we need our mate. We're so weak." V's voice murmured.

"I want him as much as you do, V. But I'm hopeless. I think we should just accept that this is our fate," Taehyung answered, sobbing.

"I'm so sorry, pups. Mommy wasn't able to protect you. I know Daddy is worried about us and he's looking for us. But they don't have enough time. I'm so sorry I wasn't able to unleash the power that I have. I'm so sorry, my loves." Taehyung cried his heart out as he caress his 3-month baby bump.

He felt so weak that he couldn't even stand to walk back to the small bed they provided him. He was dizzy, and his surroundings started to spin until he lost his consciousness right on the cemented, cold floor.


The next day, Jungkook headed out early in the morning to find Taehyung again. He didn't even fall asleep; he stayed crying the whole night, longing for his mate. He didn't even want to go home, but thankfully, Yoongi and Namjoon were able to force him. They were so tired running and searching for Taehyung, but it seems like luck is not on their side.

Jungkook transformed into his wolf form, eager to search for his mate again. He's worried about their condition; he doesn't know what he'll do if he loses them. He wanted to give up, but what makes him hopeful is that he can feel that his mate is still alive, but he can also feel that he's not in good condition. He just prayed that someone would show him the way to where his family was.

He continued to roam around the deepest part of the forest, not minding how tired he was. How hungry and thirsty he was. The only thing on his mind was to save his family.


Taehyung woke up to the noise caused by Irene and Joy. When he opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was Bogum. The man looks tired and exhausted, but nothing compared to the omega's state.

"Go check that bitch's condition. Make sure he and the twins are safe and healthy. The ritual will be held tonight," Irene said as he pushed Bogum, making him fall flat on the cold ground.

"I'll give you your lunch later. You should eat; you looked like trash," Joy said, looking at Taehyung as the two girls laughed in satisfaction before they left the cell, making sure to lock the door, leaving the two exhausted men in their own hell.

"Ritual? Is it happening tonight?" Bogum asked, and Taehyung just nodded his head, as he doesn't have the energy to verbally respond.

""Let me check your condition," Bogum remarked as he helped the omega lie down on the bed. Bogum then collected the equipment and machine Minjae had provided for him to monitor Taehyung and the unborn twins.
He instantly completed his duties as a doctor, checking everything that needed to be checked and then repeating the procedure for the twins. Fortunately, the twins are safe and healthy; however, Taehyung appeared weak and worn out. He is even dehydrated. He needed rest and plenty of fluids, so Bogum inserted an IV to help Taehyung regain his energy.

Taehyung fell asleep after the checkup, he couldn't eat his lunch since he was so exhausted. Bogum, on the other hand, continues to monitor Taehyung and the twins' health as instructed by Minjae.

Hours had gone by, and it was 9 p.m. The ritual will begin exactly at 12 midnight. The entire sorcery is busy preparing for their much-anticipated night, when they will offer the life of the last omega, bearing a true blood alpha pup, further strengthening their head sorcerer's power.

Bogum and Taehyung were sleeping when Irene and Joy entered their cell, clothed in long black dresses and complete make-up.
"Wake up!" Irene yelled as she landed a punch on Taehyung's baby bump. Taehyung whimpered as the punch jolted him completely awake.
"Stop hurting him! I thought you'd need him!" Bogum exclaimed, concerned for the omega and the twin's health.
"No one asked for your opinion, dear." Joy remarked, rolling her eyes.

"Here," Irene said before she threw a white long dress at Taehyung. 

"Wear this. Make yourself presentable. Make sure to remove that disgusting blood all over your body. Master wants you neat and clean. We'll be back before 12." Irene added. 

"And you," Joy said, pointing to Bogum 

"Make sure this omega eats his meal, or Master will kill you." Joy warned, and Bogum simply nodded.
"I can't wait to hear your cries when Master starts to slowly kill you." Irene said before slapping the omega and disappearing in thin air, like they had all done.

Taehyung cried again, feeling hopeless. He just accepted that they couldn't save him and that this would be his final night on Earth. He sobbed in pain; he felt miserable. Why is he continuously suffering? Didn't he deserve happiness? Didn't he deserve to spend his life with his loved ones? Is being an omega a crime? He has numerous questions about why life treats him so unfairly.

"I-i guess this is the last page of my book." Taehyung murmured, looking at Bogum with a sorrowful smile.


Okaaay! So have y'all seen
Butter's official teaser?
They are all looking so damn fine!
But is it just me? Or Taehyung's body is
such a daddy?
oh meeen holyyy shiiit.

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