48. Vampire's secret

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"She's my childhood friend, Min ah" Hye kyo stated

"And this is her mate, Woo bin."

"It was my idea to summon them here. First and foremost, I wanted you to know that they are trustworthy, whatever secret we're about to tell them is safe with them." Hye Kyo remarked, getting a nod from the wolves. 
"Secondly, Min Ah is a special wolf, just like some of us here," Hye Kyo added, smiling at Min Ah and Minyoung. 
"And last, the reason why I asked them here is because Woo Bin has been living for more than 100 years now. As you know, he's a vampire, and I think we can ask him about stuff from the past," Hye-kyo remarked. 

"So you're a vampire?" Jisoo asked. 
"You got it right," Woo Bin snapped. 
"I can't promise I can answer all of your questions, though," Woo Bin stated while staring at Jong Suk. 
"It's okay; whatever you can remember will be helpful," Jong Suk responded. 
"Ask away," Woo Bin said. 
"We wanted to know more about the Omega Massacre," Seo Joon remarked. 
"What about it?"

"Do you know why they tried to kill every omega? I mean, let's be honest, omegas aren't that strong, so why?" Jin asked, making Woo Bin smirk. 
"Tried, huh? So you mean there's still omegas out there?" Woo Bin asked and smirked again when he saw Jin's reaction.

"What I'm about to say is a secret only to vampires who've lived more than 100 years now, so listen very carefully, as I don't want to repeat myself."
"Yes, they are weak, but we vampires heard about this one omega who's really strong beyond every creature. This omega doesn't have weakness, and that's why sorcerers started to kill every omega. Yes, sorcerers are the ones who caused the omega massacre years ago," Woo Bin said.
"Wait, why?" Jisoo asked. 

"Because no one, and when I say no one, I really mean no one. No one could ever beat sorcerers, but this omega changed the game. The sorcerers were threatened, and so they decided to kill every omega, or at least try as you mentioned," Woo Bin remarked as he looked at Jin. The other simply bowed his head. 
"Wow! So you mean they really killed every omega just because of this special one? Namjoon exclaimed in disbelief. 
"Did they find the one they were looking for?" Jisoo asked. 
"That I don't know." 

Seo Joon was ready to speak when the maid knocked on the door to offer cakes and tea to the visitors. And a glass of fresh animal blood for Woo Bin. After the maid left the room, they resumed their conversation. 
"I can smell an omega inside the mansion. Is that the reason why you asked about them?" Wo Bin questioned.
Except for two lunas in the room, their eyes widen in surprise. 
"Yes," Jong Suk answered. He knew they could trust the pair, so he answered him honestly.

"I thought so," Woo Bin stated before taking a sip from the glass full of blood. 
"Do you know anything about the special omega? Like, how do we know if that is the special omega?" asked Seo Joon. 
"No one knows. Not even that special omega, until he finds it on their own." Minah joined in. 
"One thing I knew: the omega's mate is also special. The two are stronger together; they just had to realize that," Woo Bin went on to say. 
"But what if they already killed that omega? Why is my brother being threatened?" Jin asked.

"So your brother is the last omega huh?" Woo bin smirk. Jin on the other hand just closed his eyes for being so talkative

"Well I also heard couple of years after the omega massacre, that one of the strongest sorcerer gave birth to a boy. And for him be more stronger he needed a blood from an omega and offer that omega's life to their god. Maybe they found out that there still one omega and maybe that's the reason why they wanted your brother" Woo bin added

"oh my god. this is so insane. What's with omega's? Why they are into them?" Jin said fisting his hair in anger.

"But how do you know all about this information? when no one even knows about it?" Namjoon replied, " 
"Well, aside from living for 100 years, we are being cautious about our surroundings, and I already met that sorcerer's son," Woo Bin answered.
"What? You knew him, and we trusted you with all this information?" Jin almost yelled at Woo Bin.
"Excuse me, son. Don't yell at me; I'm older than anyone else here." Woo Bin snapped, crossing his arms tighter to his toned chest.

"And I said I've met him, but that doesn't mean I personally know him. Our pack doesn't want to engage in any fight with any creature on earth. So if you decide to start a war with them, go ahead. With regards to the information about your brother, it is safe with me. Besides, I think they already know about your brother's rank," Woo Bin said.
Jin and Jisoo sighed for the nth time in the morning. They are worried about their brother's safety. They have a lot of questions in their minds, but it appears that their tongues are preventing them from asking. 
"So, what are we going to do now?" Seo Joon asked.


Sorry for not updating for a couple of days again.
I celebrated my birthday for 4 days straight.
Sorry again luvs.

We're almost in the war zone.
See you next update.

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