Sirius Black: Toxic Desires

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I know I said that I would prioritise requests, but I got this weird idea and had to write it down. 

Hope you enjoy it!

And please remember that you are loved and important!

(Btw, thank you for the kind responses I got on the last chapter)


Your footsteps echoed as you walked towards the courtyard. You were about to make a scene, but you didn't care. Your y/h/c hair was ruffled by the wind as she came out, but it didn't bother you. You were too focused on the tall boy with dark silky hair and his arms around another girl. You created this anger as you stormed up to them, the game was on.

Sirius Black never got the chance to react, nor did the girl in his arms. You literally pushed her out of the way, startling Sirius at first but then he focused on you. He saw the fire in your eyes, but all you got back was a smirk. It angered it even more, but you managed to control yourself.

"What the hell?"

You did not yell, which surprised him. Instead, you spitted the words as if they were poison. He would have preferred if you yelled at him, you knew that. That's why you wouldn't give him the satisfaction or damage your voice more than necessary. You told yourself that everything fine and that you just had to go on with the plan.

His friends were in the background, the famous Marauders. They were confused, and perhaps even ashamed. After all, they knew that you and Sirius were dating, still, they let him hook up with another girl. Remus looked more guilty than the rest, his beautiful eyes did not face you and you understood why, but he was a piece of the puzzle you had to take care of later.

"What is it darling?" Sirius' voice caught your attention.

He was still smiling and enjoying the scene you'd created.

Just play along, you thought. Ignore his eyes and his stupid smile, you repeated over and over again in your head. Even now you found him ridiculously hot, but you would not let yourself be distracted. You had him where you wanted, you just had to be a little more patient.

"Don't play innocent," You crossed your hand in front of your chest and glared at the boy. "I'm not blind."

"Excuse me," He whispered to the other girl before letting her go. She walked away giggling until her eyes met your death glare.

Sirius now directed his full attention to you. He moved so smoothly with the smirk still plastered on his face. He took two steps towards you, leaving about ten inches between you both. His height gave him an advantage, he was able to look you down, but you did not back away or show any signs of hesitation.

"Why?" It sounded like you were begging for an answer, the smirk grew wider on Sirius's face.

"I'm sorry darling, seems like I played with your fragile little heart," Sirius said without remorse. "I suppose that I got lost in a game."

You felt the tears pricking in your eyes, and then they slowly rolled down your cheeks. To avoid looking at his amused expression you looked at the ground, still standing in front of him. He heard a sound, at first he thought that it was the sound of sobs, but then he slowly realised that it was the sound of giggling or laughter.

You looked up to face him, the expression he had was better than you hoped for, the shock was so clear in his eyes. He stared at you as if you were crazy, so did everyone around you, but you did not care. Instead, you just wiped away the crocodile tears and looked at him with a pleased face.

"I'm sorry darling," You mocked him. "Did you really think that I would love someone as tasteless as you?"

He was about to say something but you pretended not to acknowledge it, instead, you just continued.

"Boring if I may add," You chuckled proudly. "And always so predictable. I'm glad to finally get rid of you. Dear Merlin, it took such time that I feared that you'd changed your mind and decided to actually get some personality, but I should not have thought so highly of you."

You could see the anger burn in his eyes. He had started this, expecting to humiliate you, but it did not go according to his plan, and he did not like the outcome. You knew who Sirius was the day that your lives crossed paths. You knew his reputation and that's why you were never willing to fully give in. You'd decided to play with the player's heart, and you had succeeded.

You did not care if Sirius had something to say after that, you just turned your heels and walked away. You heard people whisper about it for days, the rumours about the girl that played the player. Every time you heard it, a smile grew on your face. You walked through the halls with your head high, but by now, people knew better than to mess with you. Some girls whispered in the bathroom, saying that they were grateful that someone learned Sirius Black a lesson, while others were jealous because the new popularity that you'd earned started to get attention from the guys at Hogwarts.

One day when you were walked down an empty hall when someone grabbed your arm and pinned you against the wall. You were caught off guard but quickly understood what was happening when you saw the familiar storm grey eyes staring at you. Sirius left arm rested on the wall beside you, meanwhile, his eyes continued studying you up and down.

"You put on quite a show," He said and looked you right in the eyes. "I must say I'm surprised. I always saw you as an innocent and good type."

"You're not the only one who can act, Black," You replied. "If it was someone else, she would probably have fallen for the good-boyfriend act."

"They always do," He chuckled. "But not you. It was rather hot actually, seeing you reveal your true self."

"Was that a compliment dear Sirius?" You asked with a smile. "Don't tell me that you've actually fallen for me after you decided to play with that other girl."

"I end things when they get too boring, and what we had, was boring," He shrugged, still with the hand resting on the wall right beside your head. "But then, it turned out that you actually had an interesting personality, so I see no reason for us to break up."

"Oh Sirius," You said as you stroke a piece of his hair away from his face. "But I do. I don't need you in my life. I don't need you at all. You can continue toying with the others, but you'll never have me again."

You ducked under his arm and disappeared around the corner. You were glad that he couldn't read your mind because then he would have known how much you actually wanted to kiss him at that moment. You were not blind or immune to his charms or his attractive looks, you just knew how to play with it to your advantage, and now, you had him wrapped around your finger.

Sirius stood on the same spot as earlier, thinking about the control you had over him, as well as how good you looked every time you ditched him. He hadn't noticed that James stood there, he'd seen and heard everything and had a concerned look on his face.

"Padfoot mate," James called and got his best friend's attention. "I'm not usually the type to care about your love life, but this, this is toxic. You can't start chasing her, it won't end well for either of you."

Sirius chuckled as he rested the back on the wall where you'd stood just a minute earlier. His hand went through his dark hair as he stared at the roof with a smile.

"You don't understand Prongs," He sighed and then looked at his best friend with the round glasses. "I need her, and I'll have her. I shall mark her as mine, and make sure that no other guy will be able to get near her."

"Padfoot," James sighed in disappointment.

"You just wait," Sirius told his best friend. "I will make her mine again."

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