Sirius Black: Sleeping Beauty Part 3

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I'm sorry for the bad ending of a "series". I feel like I could have done more, but it just didn't work in my head. 

Important questions at the bottom, please read!

Have a wonderful day/night!


Sirius was surrounded by books, trying to scribble down notes about curses and how to undo them. There wasn't much information about your curse or your situation at all but he desperately reached for even the smallest bits of information.

Sirius trying to break your curse meant that he ignored his homework and barely listened during the lessons. The rest of the Marauders were happy that he was so devoted to waking you up but they were also concerned over Sirius health. He barely slept, he barely ate, instead, he just focused on the bloody books, even if it took him nowhere.

"We have to talk to him," James said to the others. "He's destroying himself. We can't keep letting him do this."

"But we promised him," Remus reminded James, half focusing on the conversation and half doing Sirius homework like he'd done the past days.

"Perhaps this time it's okay to break a promise?" Peter suggested carefully. "It's for his health."

"We will keep the promise," James assured. "But not like this."

That's when they heard voices echoing in the halls. They quickly hid under James' invisibility cloak and managed just in time to see Dumbledore and the other house teachers talking. The teachers seemed upset, and Dumbledore tried his best to just calm them down.

"It's mental!" McGonagall burst out. "She's alive! It's a scandal that they could even come up with something like this."

"Burying her alive!" Professor Flitwick was as upset as McGonagall. "There has to be a law or something to prevent this!"

The three marauders looked at each other with wide eyes.

"I kno..." Dumbledore did not get to finish that sentence.

"Law or not," Professor Slughorn scoffed. "I will not let them get through with it, no matter what we need to do."

The other teachers agreed with the Slytherin professor.

"You have to talk to her," Sprout pleaded to Dumbledore. "You have to talk to her parents. It's insane and murder!"

"I tried to speak with Miss Y/n's parents," Dumbledore explained. "But don't worry. I won't hand her over, not when I know their intentions with her. Just give me some time, I'll figure something out."

The teacher disappeared around the corner again and the marauders released their breaths. They did not have to say much, they all understood that they had to find Sirius as fast as possible and tell him what they heard. It would freak him out, but he needed to know because time was running out.

"No no no no no no," Sirius muttered desperately after they told him the news. "Not now, not yet. I'm so close."

They didn't know what to do, Remus was about to take a step forward to comfort him but James got there first.

"They are trying their best," James said.

"But it's not enough," Sirius now whispered, almost with tears in his eyes.

It wasn't until then it hit James. It wasn't until then James realised how much Sirius actually cared about you. It was not a crush or someone that Sirius liked, Sirius were in love with you and your life is slowly slipping away. James usually knew what to say to his best mate, he always did, but this time, he just remained silent.

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