Remus Lupin: Suicide

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Warning! Suicide Chapter ahead! If this makes you uncomfortable just skip this chapter! If you want to talk about it feel free to tell me so that you can let out your feelings or if you have any other problems you won't the get out of your chest feel free to send a message to me.

Okay Angels. Let's begin


It had been about 24 hours since Remus broke up with you. And those 24 hours you've spent in your dorm crying or hiding from everyone. Your friends tried to get you up but you were stubborn and they didn't succeed.

But now you were up and walked in the hall trying to avoid people. Thank God most people were out this sunny day. While you walked you went past Sirius.

"Y/n?" Sirius asked. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine" You lied.

"I'm sorry about Remus" Sirius apologies.

"It's okay. It's not your fault" You said. "That reminds me. Can you give this to Remus"

It stung when you said his name but you pretended like nothing. You held a letter and gave it to Sirius.

"I will do it right away" Sirius said.

You gave him a smile before you continued walk. You walked into the prefects bathroom and lucky you it was empty. You didn't even bother locking the door. You just went straight into the water as you mind listed thing that would be bad or good if you did this.

Bad things:

• Remus might feel a little bit guilty but you knew that it wasn't his fault. It's not his fault that he was the one for you but you weren't the one for him.

Good things:

• He'll get over it.

• You wouldn't be a waste of place.

• Your parents would finally met you again after long years.

• But most important of all the pain would end. No more suffer. 24 hours was enough"

That when you decided to do it. You dived under the water and stayed there. At first it was no problem. You closed your eyes and thought about all the happy memories with him.

•When he first confronted his feelings for you.

•Your first date.

•When you found out that he was a werewolf but it didn't matter to you.

•The yule prom

•Your anniversary

As you thought of the memories your chest started to hurt. At first you thought that it was heartache but then you realised that it was you lungs. You were running out of air. Every part of your body begged you to swim up but you stayed under water.

'Soon this will be over' You thought. 'Soon there will be no more pain'

And then you blacked out.


Meanwhile Remus was sitting with a book when Sirius came in.

"Hey Moony" Sirius said. "I have something to you. From Y/n"

Remus quickly looked up when he heard your name. Sirius handed him the letter and Remus quickly opened it and read it.

Dear Remus.

I'm sorry about what I'm going to do but I couldn't stand it anymore.
Please don't feel any guilt because it wasn't your fault.
I've decided to move on. It's finally time for me to meet my parents.
I'll stay out of your life but I hope that you live a happy life with friends and family.
I'm just sorry that I couldn't be a part of it.

I love you, Y/n Y/l/n

Remus hands shook.

"Sirius I need the map" Remus said.

Sirius quickly handed him the map.

"I solemnly swear I'm up to no good" Remus whispered.

He quickly searched for your name. And he saw it in the prefect's bathroom slowly fading away. Remus quickly stood up and started to run. Out of the dorm, out of the common room towards the Prefect's bathroom with Sirius closely behind.

"Remus? What is it?" Sirius asked but he didn't answer.

While he ran he nearly pushed Mcgonagall out of his way.

"Mr. Lupin!" Mcgonagall said but he continued running.

"He's sorry. Something have happened" Sirius shouted back.

Remus quickly open up the door to the prefect's bathroom and saw a darker spot in the water. He dove in and under water he saw you. He quickly grabbed you and swam up.

Sirius helped him take you out of the water and placed you on the floor. You were pale and showed no sign of life.

But Remus quickly took his hand against your chest and tried to make you cough out the water. He even did the mouth-to-mouth respiration but nothing worked.

Suddenly Mcgonagall came in.

"What's going..." She made a loud gasp when she saw your body on the floor. "Quickly. Help me take her to the Hospital wing"


Remus and Sirius was sitting outside when Mcgonagall took them inside the room. But just some steps.

"I'm sorry" Mcgonagall said. "We didn't everything we could. But her heart stood still to long"

Remus felt how his heart broke and sank to the bottom of his body. He quickly ran out. He just ran for his life. He was about to run into the forbidden forest when Sirius wrapped his hand around him and stopped him.

"Let me go!" Remus cried.

"No. I won't let you do anything stupid" Sirius said as he tried to hold back Remus.

"It's my fault" Remus said. "It's all my fault. I thought that I would limited her future if she were together with me. A werewolf. But now she doesn't have a future. Because I was blind. Because I was selfish"

Sirius hugged his best friend and Remus hugged him back. Then James, Lily and Peter came towards them.

"We heard what happened" James said and hugged his best friends.

Peter and Lily did the same. Lily's eyes were red and puffy of tears. She's lost one of her best friends.

"I'm sorry Y/n. I'm so sorry"

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