Wolfstar: Traitor Part 4

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I have a thing to confess. 

I'm really sorry but there's a lot that's been going on lately that's messing up my mind and I have decided to change some things about this little One-shot book. I will not be writing new short stories. I do not know if this is just another break or if I will discontinue it, but for now, all I know is that I will take a step back.

But fear not. 

I will not leave you hanging when it comes to two One-shots:

- Sirius Black: Toxic Desire

- Wolfstar: Traitor

I do not know how many parts of each I can promise you, but I suspect Traitor will have many more parts coming. 

I hope you understand, but if you don't I'm still unbelievably happy that you've made it so far in my one-shot collection and all the support and wonderful comments you've given me!

I hope I haven't left any requests hanging, let me know if I have. 

Thank you and enjoy (after about three thousand years)

Remus, the poor boy, was caught off guard and fell backwards onto you, who was the only thing there to dampen the fall. You groaned as you got crushed under the weight of both Remus and Lily, but Remus wonderful smell of parchment and chocolate almost made up for it, if only you were able to breathe in the scent as well.

They quickly got up, Remus' back aching from the fall, but the grin remained wide on his lips as he helped you up.

"I'm so sorry," Lily apologised sweetly. "Didn't mean to knock you over."

A chuckle escaped Remus' lips.

"Don't worry," You groaned in pain. "Just broke some ribs and lost the ability to breathe for a second."

"Always there to catch me, aren't you Y/N?" Remus asked, joy twinkling in his eyes.

"Well someone has to," You responded with the same energy, a grin forming on your face.

Lily hugged Remus tightly again, burying her face into his chest, hands tightly around his waist as she silently sobbed.

"I'm sorry," She whispered and you saw Remus' alarmed expression. "I didn't know what they had done. What you had to go through. I was so mad when James finally told me that I yelled at him and Sirius, waking up Harry in the process."

Another sob escaped her mouth.

"We have been through so much," Lily continued before meeting Remus' amber eyes. "But I never would have imagined this."

Remus offered her a small sad smile.

"Neither did I," Remus spoke softly. "But I suppose difficult times bring out something else in a person."

"I just wished that it hadn't been Sirius and James," Lily slowly let him go. "I couldn't believe my ears, couldn't believe what they were saying about you."

"I'll manage," Remus assured, but none of you really believe the words. "Thank you, Lily, for never losing hope about me."

"Never," Lily promised as she wiped the tears that had escaped. "For neither of you."

Lily was now looking at both Remus and you.

"So what will you do now?" Lily, in a matter of seconds, had returned to her calm and collected self and was now doing what she did best, analyse a situation to steer it into the right path.

"I don't know," Remus shrugged. "Maybe find a hotel or something."

"Over my dead body," You burst out. "You will be staying here, under this roof with me."

"But..." Remus was about to protest.

"You will not stay alone," Lily interrupted. "Not in times like this. Not in a state like this."

"We are better together Remus," You said. "We can help each other, and protect each other when it's needed."

Remus looked hesitant, eyes darting between you and Lily, who both stood with your arms over your chest and a determined look.

"Fine," Remus gave in. "Doesn't really seem like I will get out of this one anyway."

Lily stayed to talk for a little longer, making Remus promise not to run away from the house and write to Lily whenever he needed anything, but in the end, she had to return home, to your brother, her husband, and her son, your nephew.

It still seemed so weird, the thought that they were parents, that they weren't just the kids they had been back at Hogwarts, before the war and everything awful. Shivers still went down your spine every time you thought about the changes, the war, the losses.

Perhaps people were rushing into life so quickly because they feared that they wouldn't have anything at all if they didn't.

Once Lily was gone, safely apparating at her own home, Remus grabbed your arm.

"You don't have to do this," Remus said slowly. "I don't want to be in your way. In Regulus' way. Don't feel like you need to have me here."

You took his hand and squeezed them lightly.

"I want to have you here," You responded with a smile. "Don't ever feel like a burden to me Remus, because you aren't."

Remus hugged you tightly, and you knew in that second, that you had meant every word.

"I better get Regulus," You chuckled once he let go. "It's been hard enough for him to come out of the closet without me pushing him in."

Remus waited downstairs as you went to fetch the younger black boy, who was indeed still in the closet, waiting for a sign that the coast was clear.

When you opened the door, he almost fell out, his hair messier than usually and his eyes sparkling with delight as your eyes meet.

"She's gone?" He asked, still a little embarrassed that he had ended up on the floor.

"She's gone," You grinned and pecked a quick kiss on his lips.

You were about to stand when he pulled you down, embracing you tightly.

"This is what I expected our reunion would be like," He whispered softly in your ears, sending shivers down your spine.

"Yeah, me too," You put your arms around his waist. "I didn't expect you at all. Neither did I expect Remus."

"Yeah, that boy couldn't have picked a better day," Regulus chuckled and your whole body moved with his laughter's vibrations.

"You know I can't kick him out, right?" You now lifted your head, now looking into the most beautiful eyes you've ever seen.

"You can't?" Regulus whisper of disbelief made your heart sink, but then a grin appeared on his face. "Who do you take me for, love? A heartless man? I would throw you out if you threw Remus out!"

"Hey!," You slightly nudged him. "You wouldn't!"

"Nah, you would probably win the fight and have me on the couch," Regulus shrugged but then sat up, ignoring your complaints. "I'm actually happy to know that Remus that you'll have Remus' company while I'm away."

"You're leaving?" You stared at him with wide eyes.

"Y/n love, you know we have to continue our hunt," Regulus pushed back a strand of hair behind your ears. "Once the war is over, you'll never get rid of me."

A giggle escaped your lips, but you both heard the sadness in the tone.

"You'll stay for a while, right?" You asked him, not even daring to look at his expression.

"Don't worry," He whispered. "I'm not leaving yet."

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