Sirius Black & Remus Lupin: Love triangle Part 2

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Sirius version

Sirius Black stormed out of the dark alley with no where to go. He couldn't go back to the bookstore and face you. He didn't want to go to Hogsmeade and risk facing some students. He couldn't go back to the alley because Remus was probably there. So he just sunk down on nearest bench.

Tears were streaming down his face as he frustrated ran his fingers through his curls. He tried to control his emotions but they were to overwhelming. He wasn't mad at Remus, not at all, he was happy that Remus had a love interest that fits him that well. He was mad at himself for thinking for one second that you, Y/n Y/l/n would like him back. He was mad because he knew that no one would ever be able to love him for real, that's just who he is.

He's a player and you deserved so much more. You deserved a boy like Remus. It broke his heart to know that he had to watch you two together when you were to only girl Sirius actually truly liked. How ironic, right?


He would recognise that voice anywhere. He turned around and saw you walking towards him with fast steps. He wiped away the tears and hoped that you wouldn't notice.

"There you are!" You said. "Remus came in and looked for you. We've been looking for you a while now."

"I'm fine," He lied with a stuttering voice. "I'm just getting some fresh air."

You sat down beside him, not convinced by the lie that Sirius so badly told. Sirius couldn't help but notice how close you were to each other and it made him feel guilty.

"I'm fine," Sirius said again.

"Sirius we both know that's not true..."

"I'm fine!"

He was screaming now. Almost as if he was trying to convince himself. You were taken back by the sudden action and he regretted it immediately.

"I'm just trying to help!" You burst out. "Might want to let me into your life if I'm going to hp you!"

"I can't!" The tears were back now. "If I let you in I don't know if I'll be able to let you go."

"You won't have to let me go Sirius," You said calmly.

"But I do," He said. "Because you deserve better than me. You deserve him, a real guy. Not some messed up guy like me."

"I don't understand what you're saying," You said confused.

"I like you," There it was. The truth.

"Damn, I might even love you Y/n!"

You were speech less. You just stared at the boy in front of you.

"I love you but I don't deserve you," He continued. "Because I'm not whole. Because I'm not perfect. Because I'm not that guy the people think of when they say ideal boyfriend. I'm a player, I'm a broken man and you, Y/n, need someone who deserves you and your love. Someone like the other guy."

He was about to walk away when you spoke up.

"Isn't that up to me?" You asked. "Isn't it up to me who my ideal boyfriend is? Isn't it up to me to say what I need? I don't want a whole man, I don't want a perfect guy. I want you."

Sirius turned around in a speed of lightning to see if he heard right.

"I want you, Sirius Black," You repeated again. "I'll rather have you, a broken boy than someone else that you call perfect. I want you."

You had gotten so close to him that you could practically feel each other's heartbeats. Your hand touched his cheek and he was about to kiss you but stopped as soon as he got back to reality.

"This is wrong," He muttered. "I can't do this to him. I can't."

"Whoever it is he have to accept this," You said.

"You do understand," Sirius said. "He's my best friend."

It took you a second before you figured it out.


Sirius didn't face you, his eyes were on the ground.

"Hey," You said and he looked at you. "If he's your best friend he'll understand. But you're right, you should talk it out before we take it any further."

He was grateful and you started walking towards the bookstore. Sirius took a deep breath and were heading in when you stopped him.

"I want you to know one thing before we go in," You said. "I still choose you. Only so you know."

He gave you a smile and you returned the favour. Then you two walked in together, ready to sort out some strings.


There we have it. The end of this on shot.
Which one was your favourite?

I need to thank you for your support and your kind words. I never thought that this would get so far.

I'm ending this book in perfect time for this decade. It's been a wonderful journey.

Who knows, maybe next year I'll return with new chapters about these adorable Marauders. And if I do, I hope to see you all again.

If not, I wish you all a happy life. A life where dreams come true and a life with a positive affect on everyone (and perhaps a life where I'm better at goodbye texts).

I love you all, never forget that!

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