Sirius Black: Mrs. Black

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"Are you ready?" Sirius asked.

"I think so" You said nervous.

Sirius knocked on the door. A house elf opened.

"Master is home" The house elf said. "Mistress is in the living room"

"Thanks" Sirius said and you both went inside.

He led you to the living room where he found his mother. You were incredible nervous that his mother wouldn't like you.

"Mother" Sirius said.

"Sirius" His mother quickly turned around. "You're home"

She didn't really say it with the joy you expected.

"And who is this lady you've brought home?" His mother asked looking at you.

"This is Y/n. Y/n Y/l/n" Sirius said.

"Status?" His mother immediately asked.

"Mother..." Sirius hissed.

"Wait did you say Y/l/n?" His mother asked. "Half blood then? Since her father married a muggle"

"You knew my father Mrs Black?" You asked surprised since your father never mentioned her.

"Of course. He was a Slytherin after all" His mother said quite disgusted. "And you? Did you end up like your father or did you end up in another house?"

"I'm a Y/H/h" You replied.

"Sure" His mother said no impressed at all. "Sirius can you get your brother? I'll prepare some tea for us"

You was about to go with Sirius when she stopped you.

"Y/n you can wait here" His mother said.

Sirius was about to protest but you gave him a "it's okay"-look.

You sat down on the couch until Sirius mother came back.

"Sirius have a bad taste on girls" His mother said and you were shocked. "I'm trying to give him his best chance but he just won't listen that confused boy"

You were right now afraid to speak. What were you supposed to reply on that.

"Well the problem is easy fixed and soon he'll find a pureblood" You were about to say something when she took out her wand. "Imperio"

Suddenly all strength was gone. You couldn't speak or move.

"So after this you'll break up with him. And make it realistic" His mother hissed. "Then you stay out of his life"

You wanted to scream, you wanted to fight back but you did nothing.

Soon Sirius and Regulus came back. You didn't stay for long. You drank the tea before Sirius said that you had to go. Yo walked a bit in silence. Your mind screamed as you knew what your body was about to do.

"Hey Y/n I'm sorry about..."

"This isn't going to work" You said.

"What?" Sirius asked surprised.

"Us, This. I'm sorry that I didn't tell you sooner but this doesn't feel right anymore" You said.

Your mind cried. Locked in a cage with no one to rescue you that was how you felt right now.

"Y/n. If this is about my mother don't. I don't care what she says" Sirius said as tears stung in his eyes. "I love you"

"It's not just your mother. I just can't continue. I don't love you anymore" You said heartless.

Sirius looked at you with tears in his eyes. That's when he noticed something. Your eyes. While all the words you said hurt him your eyes told you a different story. As if they were begging for help.

Sirius looked back at the Black's mansion and saw his mother's shadow by the window.

"I have to go" You said and walked away from him.

"No Y/n wait" He said and ran after you.

He grabbed your hand and turned you around before kissing you. At first you resisted.

'You don't love him" A voice said in your head. 'Push him back'

A part of you was about to push him back.

'But why?' You suddenly thought. 'I do love him and I won't push him back'

As the spell released you you kissed him back. Pulling him closer with your hands in his hair. Only pulling you both ran out of air.

"Sirius I'm sorry" You whispered under you breathe.

"It's okay love" He said and pulled you closer. "Whatever my mom did towards you it won't happen again. Come on let's get out of this hell"

And then hand in hand you walked away.


Not the best one but it'll do.
Hope you like it!

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