Wolfstar: Traitor Part 2

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You landed outside your brother's house, the rain pouring down on you. You didn't care, you just knocked aggressively on the door. You knew that he was inside, Sirius. He was probably talking with James as if nothing had happened, the thought made your blood boil. James was the one to open the door, he was surprised to see you at the door.

"Y/N?" He said skeptically. "What did we talk about last time we meet?"

"Whether it's a good or bad idea to buy Harry a broom," You answered quickly before pushing James out of your way, storming towards the living room.

"Y/n? What ar.."

Poor Lily never got to finish the sentence.

"How dare you?!" You shouted at the Black boy in front of you. Sirius was taken back by the sudden outburst.

"Y/n, what's going on?" James came up behind you, but you ignored you.

"How could you?" You did not shout it as loudly as last time, but you said it way deadlier.

"Prongs, your sister is officially mad," Sirius muttered as he looked at your brother.

"Mad? Me?" You hissed. "Says the one who accused Remus?"

You saw the flash of fear in Sirius' eyes, he knew what you meant, and he was not prepared for a confrontation.

"What is she talking about?" Lily asked, looking back and forth between you and Sirius.

James' mouth was just a thin line, he also knew. He was the one Sirius had discussed with. They were the ones that started to doubt their friend. You should probably blame James too, but you didn't, you directed the anger towards Sirius Black.

"Why him?" You didn't realise that you whispered the words. "Out of all the people you can blame, why him?"

"You don't know," Sirius shook his head, maybe ashamed. He couldn't look you in the eyes. "You didn't hear him. The way he spoke about them, the werewolves, Grayback's pack. You didn't hear the desire in his voice, as if he wanted to be with them."

"He's a wolf!" You shouted back. "It's in his nature to seek a pack, to associate with other wolves. And when he feels torn, you were supposed to be there for him, to remind him that The Marauders were his real pack."

"You don't understand," Sirius muttered.

"No, I understand clearly," You responded back. "Because he is one of them, he cannot be trusted. Because his wolf form has its own will, he is no longer the same boy. The boy that fell madly in love with an idiot like you., the boy that I thought you loved back."

Sirius flinched by the word love.

"I still love him," Sirius said lowly.

"Then why?!" You almost begged him for an answer. "If you claim to love him, why the accusation? If you claim to love him, why did he knock on my door, broken with nowhere else to go and no one else to talk to."

"Y/n," James tried to calm you down, he saw the shame in Sirius' face, but this was his own doing.

"Do you know why?" You took a step back, suddenly realising how close you were to Sirius. He didn't seem to have an answer. "Because in the end, Remus Lupin was never your first choice, none of yours."

You know turned to the two boys in the room. Lily was watching from distance, not knowing what to do.

"It was always James and Sirius," You said. "The only two that mattered for the rest of the world. So obviously, if Sirius said something, James would agree, because Sirius is his best friend, and then Lily would have to agree, being James' wife and all, and Peter would always follow the big footsteps that James and Sirius left behind them."

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