Sirius Black and Remus Lupin: Love triangle

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Requested by @JulVP07

Y/n Y/l/n a Y/h/h. Constantly smiling, constantly teasing and constantly controlling the Marauders without their knowledge. Someone has to help Remus put them in place right?

Best friends? The Marauders of course. They loved her aura and her way of handling things, smoothly and smart. They never understood her, not completely and it made her so much more interesting and fun to be with.

Another reason why she was always welcomed to the Marauders was because two of the members had a crush on her. Guess which two? Yup, Sirius Black and Remus Lupin. The thing was that the Marauders didn't know that Remus liked her. Sirius was first to make it official and that's why Remus never had the heart to tell the Marauders that he felt the same, it would cause awkwardness and competition among the Marauders.

"Any luck with Y/n yet?" James asked Sirius when he came back from a talk with McGonagall.

"Not yet. But I'm taking this slowly," Sirius explained. "She'll soon see my charm."

Remus rolled his eyes. It hurt how much he wanted to be able to tell them, tell you. Instead, he sat there and just waited for you to fall for Sirius.

"Taking it slowly?" Peter squeaked. "Sirius Black?"

"I want this to be a serious relationship for once," Sirius admitted.

"I hope you mean serious and not Sirius," James chuckled. "We know how Sirius relationships end."

Sirius threw a pillow at James and Peter chuckled. Remus just watched them while sighing.

"Let's see how long this will go," Peter said.

"It better be a serious thing," James said. "Not having Y/n as a friend is an impossible statement."

Remus stood up and walked towards the door while muttering that he was going to the library. Which he was. He couldn't stand hearing them talking about you and Sirius anymore. Especially when he knew that you deserved a whole man like Sirius, not some broken werewolf.

He took his usual spot in the library, in the corner. There weren't many people here today since it was Friday so he could clear his mind and collect his thoughts.


He froze at the sound of your voice. It was the last thing he needed right now, guilt for talking to you. But as soon as his eyes meet yours the worries disappeared and he could only be happy about your presence.

"Y/n," He smiled. "What are you doing here?"

"I had to get away from all the talking in the common room," You said. "I've finished my book and need to find another one, quick."

"I think the library is the right place then," Remus said.

"Talking about books, have you heard that there's a new bookstore in Hogsmeade? One with muggle books?" You asked.

"There is?" Remus said surprised.

"Yes," You said happily. "I'm checking it out this weekend and I can't think of anyone who shares the same passion about books than you."

He feared what you would say next. He feared what you were going to ask him.

"Would you like to join me for Hogsmeade this weekend?" You asked.

Guilt. Guilt and anger. He wanted to say yes, so badly. But how would Sirius react? Would it be selfish if he said yes? Even if his instincts told him to scream of you he couldn't let go of the fact that it meant that he would have to go behind Sirius' back.

"I would love to," He finally said. It was just as a friendly company right? He said yes for a friendly cause. That was at least the lie he told himself.


When Saturday finally came Remus was sick of guilt. How could he have let it go so far? He hadn't told Sirius or any Marauder yet but he knew that he needed to tell them soon.

"Remus?" Your voice rang in his ears and he turned his attention to you. "Are you okay?"

Yup, we're at the part where Remus already sits on the train with you. It's a chock that he hadn't walked into Sirius or the rest yet. But it was just a matter of time. Until then you two had a good time together. Thank god Remus knew where the boys were going and could avoid those places as much as possible. He held his breathe through the whole day while trying to make you enjoy your time. He didn't release his breathe until you were in the bookstore, a place there was a 0,1% chance that he would meet Sirius or James or Peter.

Lies! As soon as they took a step in the bookstore Remus could hear Sirius loud voice. His whole body shivered as he thought of what would be coming. Sirius wasn't a bit interested in the books, he had just hoped to meet you here, but under other circumstances.

"Sirius, James, Peter?" You called when you saw them. "What are you doing here?"

"Y/n you're here!" Sirius said happily until he saw Remus. "With Remus?..."

"Yes," You replied oblivious of the tensions. "Remus was the best person I could think of to bring to the bookstore. I'm actually surprised to find you here."

"Really?" James said. "How long have you planned this?"

"Couple of days ago," You answered.

Remus could feel the glare that he got from Sirius. He was looking at the floor but knew that Sirius wasn't happy about this.

"I forgot something," He muttered and walk out of the bookstore. Leaving you with the others.

He didn't get far before someone grabbed him and dragged him to an empty alley.

"What the hell?!" Sirius asked. "Why didn't you tell me why you were going with Y/n?! It would have been my chance to spend more time with her!"

Remus didn't answer at first. He just stared at the ground.

"She asked," He said. "We're just hanging out."

"I know that you're friends and just hanging out," Sirius said. "But it could have turned to a romantic cause instead of a friend."

Sirius face darkened.

"It was just a friendly cause right?" He asked slowly.

Remus didn't answer. He couldn't. Sirius got the hint. He dragged his fingers through his hair in frustration and then punched the wall behind him.

"How long?" He asked under his breath.

"Sirius I'm sor,"

"How long?!" Now Sirius was screaming.

"Since third grade," Remus whispered.

Sirius closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Remus felt awful, he wished this didn't happen. He wished that he could have stayed away.

"Are you together?" Was Sirius next question.

"No," Remus said and this time he faced Sirius. His hair was a mess and his eyes burned of betrayal.

"Then why? Why didn't you tell us? Tell me?" It sounded like Sirius begged for an answer.

"I couldn't. I'm sorry," Remus whispered with a broken voice. "I never meant to hurt you."

"Hurt me?" Sirius asked. "You've been selfish by not telling me this. By not letting me know that I wasn't the only one. You were selfish by not telling me that you were a competition. At least then it would have been fair."

"Sirius, I..."

"No," Sirius interrupted him. "I need a break."

So he left Remus in that Dark Alley.


I've been an awful writer these last day. I'm inactive and out of ideas that I thought of finishing this book.

But I don't have the heart to so I'll probably continue. Just slower than usual. I'm sorry Readers, don't hate me!

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