Sirius Black: Sleepy Beauty Part 2

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Me now realising that I've misspelt the name in Part 1 so now I have to misspell it again on purpose.

Still a little rusty on the writing, but hope you enjoy!

Remember, YOU ARE WORTHY A KINGDOME! (Let's conqure one together!)

(And please if you have time, and want to of course, read my book on the account Alexs_Books )


Sirius watched as two unknown parents walked by him, followed by Professor McGonagall and the other Hogwarts houses teachers. The mother looked upset as she stormed up towards Dumbledore, meanwhile, her father didn't seem to care.

"Where is it?!" Her mother screamed in Dumbledore's face.

"She's in the hospital wing," Dumbledore assured.

"I don't care where she is," Dumbledore did not seem surprised by the outburst, but Sirius was. "I'm talking about her stuff. That girl stole something from me and I want it back."

Dumbledore seemed disappointed, and the other teacher's seemed shocked. Sirius could feel the key burning against his skin, the key that you gave him before you fell into your eternal sleep. It had been over 24 hours, but you hadn't left his mind.

He sat there with you, that night, he sat there with you until Dumbledore found you both. Sirius remembered staring at the sky, wishing to the stars for you to wake up again, but you didn't. So instead, he sat there and listened to your slow breath takes.

A student came with a heavy suitcase towards the teacher and your parents.

"Here's her bag," The student said in relief as she put it down on the floor.

"Why didn't you just levitate it?" Your mother asked irritated. "It would have gone much faster."

"They are not allowed to use magic out here," Dumbledore explained.

"What is the point of learning to use magic if you can't use it," Her mother scoffed as she took out a wand. "Alohomora!"

The magic hit the suitcase, but it did not open. Dumbledore raised a brow as he studied the suitcase that remained locked.

"What? Alohomora!" Your mother shouted irritated, but the result was the same.

She kicked the suitcase in frustration, but hurt herself in the process.

"That brat. You took the only thing I cared about from me," Her mother screamed out to no one, but referred to you.

"Darling," It was the first time your father spoke. "It's time to go back home."

"And the suitcase?" Professor Flitwick asked.

"Burn it, for all I care," Her mother glared at the object. "It's useless to us now."

"I want it," Sirius burst out without thinking, earning all the eyes on him.

It was to late to back down now.

"I would like the suitcase," He said again.

"And who could this promising young man be?" Your mother walked up to Sirius and looked him up and down.

"I was a friend," Sirius gulped. "Of Y/n. I was her friend."

"Impossible," Your mother laughed. "She can't have friends, that's like the point of this."

Sirius hated how little she cared, she did not care how miserable you were, she just wanted the things in the suitcase. It reminded Sirius of his own mother, and how she hadn't cared when he threatened to leave, or the blood and bruises that appeared on his body after she beat him for being disrespectful. He hated your mother, just like he hated his own. And he swore to himself that your mother would never lay a hand on the things inside your suitcase.

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