Wolfstar: Traitor

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So it's official, you will be provided with some Wolfstar and Regulus x reader in this one-shot book as well. We're starting off with a little one-shot down here (you are still included, don't worry) and let's see how this will go!

Have a wonderful day! We'll meet at Hogwarts!


You were making food in peace while reading the letter signed R.A.B. The thought of him made you smile, you'd managed to keep the secret hidden for this long, and intended to keep it hidden until Voldemort was completely destroyed and gone out of your lives. You know what he was doing, researching about the Horcruxes, hoping to be able to identify all six of them and destroy them once for all. You'd already found three of them, the necklace, the diadem and the ring.

You got interrupted by a hard knock on the door. You hadn't expected visitors so you had your wand ready. Being James Potter's sister had complicated your life slightly. Outside, the rain was pouring down and you could barely see anything outside the window. You walked up to the door and looked through the watch hole before opening the door.

"Remus?" You said surprised when you saw the familiar face.

He had been crying, his red puffy eyes revealed that. His hair was a mess and he was completely wet. Something had happened you understood immediately, someone had hurt Remus. The rain made the sight of your broken friend even more depressing, and the scars seemed to add t the effect.

"I'm sorry," He whispered, holding back the tears. "I didn't know where else to go. I couldn't go to the others, I don't know what to do."

You let Remus in and locked the door behind him. He stood there frustrated until you hugged him, that's when he broke down in tears. Out of all the marauders, you'd been closest to Remus Lupin, James did not count. Remus and you usually spent time in the library together when you both went to Hogwarts, studying together, even if he was the year above you.

"Tell me what happened," You said as you brushed away a tear from his face.

"They think it's me," He whispered desperately. "Please, you have to believe me, it's not me. I would never. I would never betray them. You have to believe me."

You didn't know what was worse. Seeing him so broken because the others believed he was a traitor or realising that he thought you would agree with them. He was so careful with his words, afraid that you would turn on him like the others.

"Why?" You asked. "Why you?"

"I don't know," He said with his face in his hands, slowly sinking down towards the floor. "I tried to talk to them, convince them that I would never hurt them. Tell them that I was on their side, that I'd always been on their side. But he wouldn't believe me."

"He?" You questioned. "James?"

"Sirius," He whispered between the sobs.

You'd not expected his name, out of all the people Remus could say, you'd not expected Sirius name. Remus loved Sirius, and last you checked, Sirius loved Remus. After Hogwarts, they moved into an apartment together, and you'd never seen Remus so happy. Before that, you weren't that fond of Sirius Black, probably because of your "friendship" with his brother.

You often argued about that back at Hogwarts. It did not matter how many times you told Sirius about how Regulus struggled, or how many times Regulus needed his older brother, Sirius was stuck with the thought that Regulus was just like the other Blacks. He never saw what Regulus had to sacrifice so that Sirius could live the way he lived today. It wasn't until you realised how happy Sirius made Remus that you actually started kind of liking Sirius.

"Sirius," You repeated again. "Why would he accuse you? You live together for goddess' sake. He knows you, just like you know him."

"I don' know," Remus said. "I don't know. I don't know. I don't know."

He repeated it over and over again until he broke down to tears again. You hugged him again, not knowing what else to do. You thought about Sirius, and James, and Lily. How could they believe such a thing? How could they for a second think that this young boy that loved them all dearly would sell them out to Voldemort?

"I believe you," You said. "Remus, I believe you. I'll talk to them."

He did not respond, he just continued crying until he stopped. You got him a towel to dry himself after the rain and then gave him a sleeping draught so that he would be able to sleep in peace. The poor boy was exhausted. You sat by his side until he was in deep sleep, so deep that you couldn't see the things that are troubling his mind.

After that, you took your cloak and your wand. You sealed the house to make sure that no one could get in and Remus couldn't get out. You didn't want him to be alone in moments like this, not when he was so vulnerable. But you had to discuss some things, you could feel the anger boil in your blood. You promised yourself to be back before Remus woke up, but now you had another thing to take care of. 

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