Sirius Black: Toxic Desire Part 2

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Let's just say that Sirius kept his words, and he did not leave you alone at all, but not in the ways you had expected. He had a reputation to maintain, and he was not going to lose it because of a girl, even if that girl was you. He continued to shamelessly flirt with everyone that crossed his path, but you did notice a little different.

Every time he did flirt, every time he did make a move, he always threw flirting glances towards your direction, indicating that his "offer" still remains. It was amusing at first, knowing that you still had him wrapped around your finger, but it slowly started to annoy the hell out of you. Especially during the common room parties where you could literally feel his eyes burning on your neck as he made out with another poor victim that had fallen for Sirius Black's charms, even if they all knew that he was trouble.

There was one positive outcome with the whole Sirius Black thing, even if you would have described it as positive, more frustrating. Some weeks after the whole drama scene, you got sick of having Sirius around you all the time, so you started going places where he didn't go. And therefore you always accidentally crossed path with another boy, Sirius Black's younger brother Regulus Black.

It was nothing at first, he avoided Sirius just like you did, that's the only thing you two had in common. But soon your eyes started to meet across the courtyard or across the classroom, and the glances became moments of smiles exchanged by the two of you.

You hadn't spoken to him, just greeted him once or twice when you walked past each other, but how couldn't you slowly fall for younger Black brother when he showed a kind of shyness and kindness that seemed so rare in this world. You knew about the rumours, you knew about the Black family, but there was something about Regulus that just didn't fit in with the rest of the world's talking.

For example, you saw him on the quidditch pitch one day, flying with another younger Slytherin. The younger girl was struggling, but Regulus only encouraged her to try again. He was an exceptional Quidditch player, and apparently a patience teacher you learned that day. You found yourself thinking, how can a boy that pure be so evil as the world describe him?

You hated every moment you caught yourself thinking about Regulus, you hated how the little things could affect you so much. But every time your eyes met, every time he sent you a smile, you couldn't help but feel this sickening feeling of happiness and enthusiasm.

So to be honest, you had a tiny crush on Regulus Black, but if anyone would have mentioned it to you, you would have hexed them on the spot.

Like today, when you sat in the library, trying to study but instead you sneaked glances at the Slytherins in the corner, where the small, dark-haired boy sat and focused on his book with a smile on his lips.

Suddenly someone pulled out the chair in front of you, and to your relief, you saw that it was Remus Lupin. His golden locks and amber eyes were as beautiful as they'd always had been, and soft if you got to add that. You hadn't spoken much to the Marauders at all after the Sirius Black thing, and it had not been your intention to befriend his friends, but Remus Lupin was different.

No, he was not innocent as the others might have thought, but he believed in justice, and was not afraid to give people a piece of his mind if they were treating someone badly. He did not do the prank just for fun, there was always a hidden meaning behind every single one of his plans, and you just found it brilliant and fascinating.

"Hi," He greeted shyly, looking for any sign that revealed his presence wasn't welcomed.

"Hi," You said back, just as happy as you always were towards the amber-eyed boy.

He studied you as you continued writing your essay, not really sure what to say next, so you took the matter into your own hands.

"How have you been?" You turned your attention towards the boy in front of you.

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