Remus Lupin: Monster 2

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It was after the summer break. Sirius haven't heard from you all summer and on the train he saw you with a new group of friends. A gang that Sirius certainly didn't like at all.

You were hanging out with Lucius Malfoy, Severus Snape, Bellatrix Black, Narcissa Black and you brother Regulus Black.

Sirius decided to talk with you later since he didn't want to interrupt the gang but already the next day they brought trouble.

Lucius walked into Remus and made him drop all his books.

"Watch were you're going" Lucius said. "And I want an apology"

All the other Slytherins started to laugh.

"You were the one in the way" Said furious Sirius. "It's not out fault that your ego is so big"

Some people nearby laughed at the comment. You couldn't help but thinks that it was funny to but you kept that inside.

"Take that back your unworthy Black" Lucius said.

"Make me" Sirius challenged.

And without a hesitation Lucius dragged out his wand and casted Flipedo which made Sirius fly all over the courtyard. James were quick and took out his wand while Remus and Peter walked over to Sirius and help him.

"Expelliamus!" James shouted and Lucius wand flew out of his hand.

"Now apologise, to both of them" James hissed madly.

"Never" Lucius said.

James was about to cast a spell but someone else were first.


James wand flew out of his hand.

"Now boys" You said. "Lets not fight the first day shall we?"

You walked over to Lucius.

"By the way I have better things to do during my free time don't you think?" You asked them. "So If you excuse me"

You walked towards the door in. The other hesitated before following your example.

"Y/n!" You heard Sirius shout which made you stop on track. "What happened to you? You used to be on of us!"

"You're right brother" You said and looked at him. "But then I woke up"

Then you turned around and followed the others inside.


Sirius literally stormed into the Gryffindor's common room. Then he sank down on the couch in front of the fire with his head in his hands. The other marauders sat beside him and Peter in front of him.

"It's okay" James said. "We'll figure this out"

"I shouldn't have let her go" Sirius muttered. "I shouldn't have let her fall into that darkness"

"It's not your fault" Peter said. "Maybe she just needed someone to protect her and that was her only option"

"No she could have chosen me" Sirius said. "I would have accepted her"

"And she knows that" Remus said. "She just need some time"

"Oh Moony I'm so sorry" Sirius said. "I'm so selfish. I didn't think of you. This hurts as much for you as for me"

"It's okay" Remus said. "You're her brother after all"

"But you still like her don't you?" Sirius asked.

Remus didn't answer that question.

"Whoever miss her they aren't going to wait for to long" James said. "We'll get her back"

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