Sirius Black: She said no

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This is kind of a built up to @MalfoysLeftAsscheek request.

Hope you like it!


It was two years since you graduated from Hogwarts and as much as you've missed the life you had there, this might have been the best two years in your life. You'd seen the world with the ones closest to you. You'd watched them getting married and giving birth to a beautiful boy that you know called you godson. He was beautiful, and you couldn't wait to see him grow up and attend Hogwarts while his father cheered at him at every Quidditch game while his mother sighed in disapproval.

As soon as you graduated from Hogwarts, you and Sirius bought a house not too far from the Potters. The boys couldn't stay apart from each other, but you didn't mind, you enjoyed Lily's company. Boyfriend or not, Sirius would drive you crazy if you spent too much time with him.

"Come on," Sirius groaned in impatience. "We'll be late!"

"With about 2 minutes," You responded. "If you would have helped me with the food basket we would have been there on time."

You were packing down the cupcakes that you'd baked when you felt a pair of arms snake around your waist and Sirius carrying you away from the basket. His scent surrounded you, not the scent of smoke this time, but the scent of forest and cologne.

"Sirius, were you the one complaining about being late?" You chuckled as you felt him bury his head in the side of your neck, causing you to giggle a little.

"But you're not paying attention to me," He muttered, still with his face resting on your shoulder.

"You are such a baby," You rolled your eyes before turning around to give him a quick kiss on his lips and then returning to the kitchen and the food.

When you were done, Sirius and you started heading towards the meeting place that you'd decided just some days before. James and Lily were already there with infant Harry when you arrived. Without letting go of your hand, Sirius immediately started talking with James, complaining over the last Quidditch game. You rolled your eyes as you gave them some space, and headed towards Lily.

"So how is my favourite godson?" You asked as you walked up to infant Harry.

"He's fine," Lily chuckled. "A little tired but he's fine."

You looked down at the sleeping baby. He was beautiful, with main features similar to his father. It was a little hard to see when he was so young, but you could only imagine a mini-James in the future.

You heard footsteps walk towards you and saw a little wolf-boy coming from the woods, more specifically, your little wolf-boy. Remus Lupin smiled brightly as he walked through the meadow. He greeted Sirius and James first before walking to you and Lily.

"So how is my fiancé?" Remus asked with a smile.

You laughed at the greeting. It was an inside joke you all had. Back at Hogwarts, people always thought that you and Remus was a couple. It didn't matter how many times you both told them you weren't, they wouldn't believe you. In the end, you both gave up and started this inside joke where you and Remus were engaged. Not far after that, Sirius asked you out. You'd asked him many times if he was bothered by the fact that Remus and you referred to each other as fiancés, but he assured that it was fine every time.

"I'm totally fine," You laughed. "And you? Is my fiancé enjoying this wonderful day?"

"It became better after I heard a rumour that you'd baked some chocolate cupcakes," Remus chuckled and looked at the basket by your side.

"Well, perhaps we should start," Lily said. "Otherwise the cake with melt."

"There are spells for that," You reminded her.

"But this was going to be a muggle picnic remember?" Lily shoved her elbow into your side. "Boys! Come here so that we can start!"

The two best friends ran towards the blanket like three years old, racing with each other. Sirius sat down beside you and James took the spot next to Lily.

"Where's Peter?" You asked as you realised that you were missing a person.

"He couldn't come," James answered. "Said something about a meeting with someone."

"Pity," You said as you shrugged.

You had a great time together. Not only did Sirius love the idea of doing a muggle thing but it was quite relaxing, just forgetting about all the spells and potions for a while.

Except for eating and running around and dancing to the music with the others, Sirius and you took a walk along the edge of the meadow. To your surprise, you found out that it was really big, and when you reached the edge you could barely see the others on the other side.

"Stand there," You suddenly said as you picked up a flower and put it in Sirius' hair.

"Hey," Sirius pretended to be offended that you touched his hair, but in reality, he loved it. "I want to do one too."

"Fine," You chuckled. "Just pick a flower."

"You have to close your eyes first," Sirius said. "It has to be a surprise."

You laughed at his childishness but closed your eyes. You could hear him moving but he hadn't touched your hair yet so you just stood there, half giggling all of the time.

"Open," Sirius suddenly said, but he still hadn't touched your hair.

You opened your eyes anyway and were confused until you saw Sirius, down on his knees, with a ring in his hand.

"Sirius?" You almost whispered in surprise and happiness.

"Y/n Y/l/n," Sirius started as he looked at you. "I know that we are young but my time with you has been the best time of our life. Still, I couldn't figure out if I should hold a cheesy speech at this proposal or another type of speech."

You chuckled, but tears formed in your eyes.

"But here I am," Sirius continued. "On one knee, ready to spend the rest of my life with you. So I ask you, will you marry me?"

"Yes!" You squealed happily and impatiently. The second you saw him on his knee you wanted to scream the word.

He got up and put the ring on your finger. It was beautiful with three different stones. First was your birthstone, then there was his birthstone and lastly, a stone that tied it all together. Once the ring was on your finger, you kissed him. His arms snaked around your waist and pulled you closer. When you parted, he lifted you up and spun you around, and when your feet touched the ground, he kissed you, again.

Back again with your friends, they all greeted you with silence. Trying to figure out the energy between you two. Sirius smirked as he took your hand.

"She said yes," Sirius shouted out happily and your friends started cheering.

"Thank Merlin," James shouted. "It would be horrible if she said no."

He earned a punch from Lily for that comment but understood that it was a joke. James and Remus went to congratulate Sirius while Lily hugged you, saying that you and Sirius deserved the best. Then they switched and James held a long speech about why you shouldn't hurt Sirius heart, joking of course.

This was one of the happiest moments in your life, and you wished that you could have stayed on the meadow forever.

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