Remus Lupin: Stranger

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The train towards your sixth year at Hogwarts and you couldn't be more excited, and nervous at the same time. You always seemed to be that, nervous every time you were about to start a new year. There was nothing you should be nervous about, it was the same thing over and over again, but the hole in your stomach was still there.

It released once you saw Pandora Lestrange (I tried searching for her real maiden name but there was nothing so I am now creating a little storyline for her based on the hypothesis I found). She stood there with the brightest smile ever, a real difference if you looked at her bitter family.

"Hello," You greeted her as she walked up to you.

"Y/n," She smiled happily. "How have your summer been?"

"Wonderful," You replied brightly "And yours?"

She carefully looked back at her mother who eyed her with narrow eyes and disgust. You were pureblood, your ancestors did not have anything against muggleborns, and the Lestrange did not like that.

"You know," She shrugged, not as bright as before but still with her smile. "Shall we hop aboard?"

"We shall," You replied dramatically and she took your arm before heading inside.

You both had been early, so it wasn't hard to find an empty compartment. Almost immediately, Pandora started talking about plants and more, things she had discovered and things she loved. And you just sat the listening eagerly, matching her energy level.

On the train, you both chocolate for both of you. You saw the hesitation in Pandora's eyes, not because she didn't want it, but every summer Pandora came back with the instinct to watch what she ate.

"They're not here," You took her hand. "Don't let their poison get to you"

At last, Pandora took the chocolate, and her face as the sweet candy reached her lips was full of enjoyment and it seemed to brighten the mood instantly.

"Good I love these," She sighed happily and you couldn't help but laugh.


You were heading out of the compartment with Pandora in your trails, accidentally walking into someone. You both stumbled a little but he seemed a little steadier than you.

"I am so sorry. I didn't mean to..." You voice faded when you saw him.

Some kind of sandy blonde hair and beautiful amber eyes, that was the first thing you noticed. Then the kind smile on his lips and some scars, some fresh but most of them faded.

"I am so sorry," You said again. "I should have watched where I was going."

"No it's fine," The boy immediately insisted. "I should probably also been more careful."

You chuckled and he chuckled as well, both nervous and unsure about what to do.

"Remus, come on!"

The boy looked at the dark haired boy who was calling him, and then back at you.

"I suppose I should be going," Remus sighed. "See you around."

"I'm Y/n," You blurted out. "Y/n Y/l/n."

A smile grew on his lips and you felt it again, the connection.

"Remus Lupin," He replied before the boys called on him again.

He gave an apologetic look before following his friends, but you saw the quick glance he threw back before disappearing behind the corner, and the faint smile in his lips as your eyes met again.

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