Wolfstar: Traitor Part 3

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Back with our little tragic wolfstar story, hope you enjoy!

You nervously squeezed Regulus hand as you studied Remus Lupin. He was processing everything you had just told him, processing the truth. Regulus squeezed your hand back as a reassuring that everything would work out fine. It was a small comfort, but it barely eased the aching hole in your chest.

It was still difficult, thinking about that night Kreacher appeared inside your house with a horcrux in his hand. You had immediately begged Kreacher to take you to Regulus as soon as you saw the horrified face of the house elf.

The sight of Regulus' almost lifeless body under water still haunted you sometimes, and you still remember the fear you felt when you thought that his heart was giving up. Him, surviving all that, was a miracle, and you thanked Merlin every day for it.

Remus was still thinking, face frowned and eyes wandering between the two couples.

"So Voldemort has split up his soul in horcruxes, how many?" Remus asked, tapping his fingers on the table in stress.

"We believe seven," You answered.

"Why seven?" Remus asked curiously.

"Because that's the amount of time you can split a soul before taking real damage," Regulus explained. "Voldemort might want an advantage, but he's not ready to give up power for it, not now, when he believes that he's so close. So therefore, our guess is seven split parts, six horcruxes and then himself."

Remus buried his hands in his and sighed, still trying to wrap his head around everything.

"How are you?" You asked Remus after a while.

"He mourned you," Remus said sharply. "He mourned you for weeks, I could barely get him to eat or anything because he thought you were dead."

You both knew exactly who Remus was talking about and you saw Regulus tense in the corner of your eyes. You had offered to reveal the secret only to his brother, but Regulus had insisted, saying that you should not take such risks.

"I asked everyone for help," Remus muttered. "I asked you for help, but you lied to my face and said that there was nothing you could? When you knew that he was alive?!"

Guilt hit you as you saw how fierce Remus' eyes were. You had not enjoyed it, lying to him that day, but you would not break the promise you made Regulus, not unless he wanted to.

"Not telling Sirius was my call," Regulus defended you. "Don't blame this on her when it wasn't her decision to make."

Remus now turned to Regulus.

"Do you think that solves anything? What kind of brother lets his brother suffer, thinking that he was dead?" Remus snapped but Regulus mood did not change.

"The kind of brother who watched his brother reject him over and over again," Regulus answered and Remus froze. "Sirius wanted nothing to do with me, so I just made sure that his wish was answered."

Remus backed of, but Regulus didn't. The button had been pressed, and Regulus' emotions finally poured out of him.

"The brother who watched his eldest brother leave him behind and answered two months worth of letters with don't write to me," Regulus scoffed. "He can mourn all he wants, he wasn't there when I needed him, and he wasn't there when I died. So why not just stay dead?!"

Remus flinched and placed you hand on Regulus back, taking his attention away from the the freckled boy in front of him. He looked at you with glassy eyes, tears threatening to spill. You embraced him quickly and let him put his total weight on you as he gave in to the emotions and exhaustion.

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