Wolfstar: Afterlife

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The one-shot has nothing to do with the story (and I do not recommend you read it for the sake of your mental stability), I just needed to write something happy for my precious little boys. 

I'm sorry!


Remus Lupin groaned as he opened his eyes. Everything seemed so bright, and so quiet. He sat up only to realise that there was no one there, not a single soul in sight.

It confused him extremely, he had just been on a battlefield at Hogwarts, and even if this was Hogwarts, there were no signs of battle or struggle or anything that proved to him that he wasn't insane.

He got up to walk around the castle, seeing if he could find anything or anyone that might be able to explain to him why he's here and where all the others were. But no one was nearby, not even the portraits could help him, their frames were empty.

He gave up eventually, and just sat down on a stair step to look over the school he once called home. He recalled a lot of memories, mostly about the Marauders. The more recent memories were a little bit blurry. He knows that there was a battle, he remembers the death eaters, but he could not remember details, no matter how hard he tried.

So he allowed his mind to drift towards the older memories, the once about him and his friends, his brothers. He allowed himself to hear their voices again, to remind himself of their laughters. He allowed himself to remember how it was to be happy, how it was to have people to rely on, no matter what.

He saw a blue light appear out of nowhere, or more it came around the corner. He had not conquered it, but he knew that it was his Patronus, the shape of the wolf was clearer than ever. It was so powerful that it felt like he could feel the happiness, and feel the memories from his younger years at Hogwarts.

Once again, he was overwhelmed by their voices and laughters, but unlike other times, he actually let the sound embrace him. So that's what he did, he sat on the stairs in an empty castle and embraced the memories.

"Where is he?"

Remus could recognise Sirius' voice anywhere. He had always found it beautiful, no matter if he was singing or just talking nonsense. After Azkaban, his voice wasn't as soft and as confident as it used to be, it got more raspy and rough. It didn't mean that Remus still didn't find it beautiful, it was more that he found it sad that he damaged his voice in Azkaban.

"How am I suppose to know?"

Remus never got to know how James' older voice sounded like, he died before he got the chance to speak, but James loved to do accents. Everyone at Hogwarts knew that. He and Sirius used to do accent together, and sometimes, they would found the boys laughing with tears in their eyes while still saying simple words with extreme accents.

They usually talked about what a great dad James would be, because his children would have grown up hearing all types of accents that the poor children wouldn't know how to talk anymore. That never happened, of course, he died before that too.

But he did act like a parent while they were at Hogwarts, especially after Sirius ran away from home. Remus suspected that he felt a responsibility, as if he was Sirius' older brother. But in most ways, he was, they were brother in every way except blood.

"The goddamn Patronus lead us here. Where the hell is he?"

It wasn't until now Remus realised that the voices were no longer in his head. They were echoing from a hallway. As an instinct, he stood up and looked around, but no one was nearby. They were not anywhere to be seen.

I'm hallucinating, Remus thought to himself. I'm...

"Come on, James!"

He was definitely not hallucinating. He could even hear their footsteps now. Remus had expected himself to run down the stairs, but he couldn't. He was completely paralysed.

Has it of fear?

Fear that this was all a hallucination? Fear that they would reject him? Fear the mistrust wasn't only when they were younger and that they wouldn't be able to look at him the same?

Remus didn't know, but he slowly walked down the stairs, forcing his feet to move, even if his body protested.

That's when they came around the corner, James Potter and Sirius Black. What surprised Remus the most was how young they both were, James he had expected, but even Sirius seemed to be around nineteen.

They stopped when they saw the werewolf staring back at them. They stopped when they once again saw their now nineteen years old friend standing there.

James started running, and Sirius was quickly after. Meanwhile, while Remus got down the stairs and quickly got embraced by his best friends. James was first, he had always been a faster runner. He desperately hugged Remus and Remus hugged him back, only to realise that this was real, it had to be real.

"James I...." Remus tried to start, but his voice failed him.

"It's okay," James hugged him even tighter. "It's okay, we're okay. You're here with us Moony."

"I..." Remus' voice was now shaking.

"We'll never leave you alone again," James promised. "You're not alone anymore, you never were and never will be."

Now Remus broke down in tears, and clung desperately to his friend. When James let go, Remus felt the lump in his stomach grow, he didn't want to wake up, ever.

But James just stepped aside for Sirius, and Remus now remembered those intense grey eyes that he always loved. Sirius' approach was not as fast forward as James'.

First, Sirius let their hands brush, before tangling them together, like they used to do. The heat from his hand seemed so familiar to Remus, and Sirius' hand had always fitted in so perfectly on his own.

Then Sirius took the other hand and placed it on Remus' cheek, only to wipe away the tears that had stained his face. Remus hadn't realised how empty he'd been feeling without Sirius' touch, and he desperately wanted more, but Remus could barely move, so he was glad that Sirius took the initiative.

His hand then moved down his neck, and whatever happened next happened so fast. Sirius pulled Remus into a kiss, and that's when Remus remembered how to move. He had done this so many times that everything happened so automatically. His hand moved up into Sirius' hair and his lips moved in sync with his lover.

"Sirius," Remus whispered once they broke apart.

"I know," Sirius muttered back. "I know. I'll explain everything."

"I've missed you," Remus then said. "I've missed you all so much."

He was no longer just referring to Sirius, but also to James. The Potter boy smiled, and swung his arm over Remus' and Sirius' shoulders.

"Come," James spoke, happier than ever. "Lily and Y/n are waiting. We have a lot of catching up to do."

Even after James explained to Remus that he was dead, he couldn't have been happier. The celebration of their victory on the wizarding world (or more Harry's victory) was confirmed official, and they knew that the children would be able to take care of themselves from now on. Remus was happy again, he was with the people he loved once again, and Remus looked forward to spending forever with Sirius Black and the rest of the Marauders. 

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